Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Monday, February 23, 2015

X10 & Yoga

Sunday, February 22
Cathe X10 Low Impact

YDL Heart Opening Flow #1

Travis Eliot Yoga Cross Training

Saturday, February 21
Travis Eliot Yoga Cross Training, 60 min

Friday, February 20, 2015

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Combat 60

Monday, February 9
Combat 60 Extreme Cardio Fighter

Back, Shoulders, Biceps & Plyo

Sunday, February 8
LiHi Back, Shoulders and Biceps
* Two set + finishers premix

Plyo Two

Monday, February 2, 2015

Swings & Yoga

Short mobility warm up

TGU 12kg 3r/3l

Swings - 16kg
* 10 sw (15/15)
* 20 sw (30/30)
* 30 sw (45/45)
* 40 sw (60/60)
100 swings, 5:00

Sinister Swings - 20kg
4 rounds
200 swings, 10:00

YDL Hot Power Fusion

Sunday, February 1, 2015

RWH Lower Body Circuit & Yoga

RWH Lower Body Circuit
* Premix #5 Abs mixed in
* Disappointed in the ab exercises chosen for this pre-mix, thought it would be more standing ab work. Bicycles right after Hiit cardio = pounding headache...bailed on the ab work after that.

YDL Warming Detox Flow