Thursday, May 30, 2013

TGU & Yoga

12kg: 3r/3l, alternating nonstop
14kg: 3r/3l, alternating nonstop
16kg: 2r/2l, alternating with rests

* Too hot for any other KB work...yes, I'm a weenie.

YDL Yoga for Buns, 30 min.
* Fun, challenging practice!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Mobility warm up

TGU: 14kg, 3r/3l

100 swings: 14kg

* all 2hd sw 24kg
* all 1hd sw 12kg

  • 10 2hd sw x 10 (:15/:15)
  • 100 1hd sw, nonstop (1:00 rest)
  • 10 2hd sw x 9 (:15/:15)
  • 100 1hd sw, nonstop (1:00 rest)
  • 10 2hd sw x 8 (:15/:15)
  • 100 1hd sw, nonstop (1:00 rest)
  • 10 2hd sw x 7 (:15/:15)
  • 100 1hd sw, nonstop (1:00 rest)
  • 10 2hd sw x 6 (:15/:15)
  • 100 1hd sw, nonstop
400 24kg swings, 500 12kg swings, 100 14kg warm up swings
= 1000 total swings, ~40 min

YDL Evening Wind Down, 20 min

Sunday, May 26, 2013

AOS Providence

AOS Providence, with a few subs
* Used 12kg, except where noted

R1 - Swings
R2 - LCC

R3 - Chest press
R4 - Squats - racked & goblet (sub)
R5 - One leg DL

R6 - TGU (sub)
R7 - LCC & Press
R8 - Flip & squat
R9 - Tactical lunges
R10 - Triple crush, 25lb plate
R11- Figure 8 to hold
R12 - Seated press, 10kg
R13 - One arm row
R14 - Abs, 10kg

Snatch challenge - 60 snatches w/ 10 sec left

YDL Yoga for Cyclists, 20 min.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Double C&J and Swings

Mobility warm up

100 swings, 12kg

Double C&J
2x8kg, 5 x 1
2x12kg, 6 x 5

Swing Ladder - Variation on Tracy's swing ladder HERE
10 R/ 10 L x 5 = 100 reps (1:00), 14kg
10 2hd sw (:15), 24kg
9 R/ 9 L x 5 = 90 reps (1:00), 14kg
10 2hd sw (:15), 24kg
8 R/ 8 L x 5 = 80 reps (1:00), 14kg
10 2hd sw (:15), 24kg
7 R/ 7 L x 5 = 70 reps (:45), 14kg

10 2hd sw (:15), 24kg
6 R/ 6 L x 5 = 60 reps (:45), 14kg

10 2hd sw (:15), 24kg
5 R/ 5 L x 5 = 50 reps (:45), 16kg
10 2hd sw (:15), 24kg
4 R/ 4 L x 5 = 40 reps (:30), 16kg
10 2hd sw (:15), 24kg
3 R/ 3 L x 5 = 30 reps (:30), 16kg

10 2hd sw (:15), 24kg
2 R/ 2 L x 5 = 20 reps (:15), 16kg

10 2hd sw (:15), 24kg
1 R/ 1 L x 5 = 10 reps (:15), 16kg
10 2hd sw (:15), 24kg

650 total swings

YDL Yoga for Runners #1, 25 min

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Snatches & Swings

Mobility warm up

100 swings, 12kg, mix of 1 and 2hd

Snatches - 12kg
1st 5:00 set, 5r/5l - 93 total
Rest 2:00
2nd 5:00 set, 10l/10r for first 60, then 5l/5r - 96 total

2hd Swings - 24kg
10sw x 10 (:15/:15)
Rest 1:00 and repeat
= 200 total swings

YDL Advanced Forrest Yoga, 25 min

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Double C&J, Swings & Snatches

Mobility warm up

100 swings; 12kg, mix of 1- and 2-hd

Double C&J
2x8kg, 10 x 1
2x12kg, 5 x 10

Swing/Snatch Couplet
10 2hd sw, 20kg (:15/:15)
5r/5l sn, 14kg, (:30/:30)
x 10 rounds

Qi Detox Yoga, 25 min.

Monday, May 13, 2013

H-Snatch & Swings

Mobility warm up

100 swings; 12kg, mix of 1- and 2-hd

* slow negatives
12kg, 10r/10l x 5, :30 rest between rounds
14kg, 10r/10l x 5, :30 rest between rounds

Sinister Ladder Variation
* 2hd sw w/ 20kg and 24kg, 1hd sw w/ 14kg and 16kg, switching hands as needed to make it even

Ladder down - 24kg, 16kg, 20kg, 14kg
Ladder up - 14kg, 20kg, 16kg, 24kg

Ladder down - 24kg, 16kg, 20kg, 14kg
Ladder up - 14kg, 20kg, 16kg, 24kg
= 200 swings

Then straight Sinister w/ 20kg x 4 = 200 swings

15 minutes yoga

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Double C&J Plus Sinister Swings

Mobility warm up

100swings, 12kg, mix of 1- and 2-hd

Double C&J
2x8kg, 5 x 1
2x10kg, 5 x 5
2x12kg, 5 x 5

* Next time I'll try 2x12kg for 5 x 10

Sinister Swings
20kg x 2
16kg x 1
24kg x 2
16kg x 1
24kg - 5, 10; 20kg - 15, 20 x 2
16 x 1

450 swings, ~ 23 min

Yoga - YDL The Place in the Middle, 30 min.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Swing/Snatch Ladder

Mobility warm up

Swing Snatch Ladder
14kg swings rotations, 12kg snatch rotations
* 1:00 rest between rotations

1st Swing Ladder

1 sw, 1 tr, 1 sw, 1 tr
2 sw, 1 tr, 2 sw, 1 tr
3 sw, 1 tr, 3 sw, 1 tr
4 sw, 1 tr, 4 sw, 1 tr
5 sw, 1 tr, 5 sw, 1 tr

Lucky me, this set is 40 reps....1 minute

1st Snatch Ladder

1 sn, 1 tr, 1 sn, 1 tr,
2 sn, 1 tr, 2 sn, 1 tr,
3 sn, 1 tr, 3 sn, 1 tr,
4 sn, 1 tr, 4 sn, 1 tr,
5 sn, 1 tr, 5 sn, 1 tr,

Repeat each ladder adding one additional progressive rep per set. For instance, 2nd rotation,

2nd Swing Ladder

1 sw, 1 tr, 1 sw, 1 tr
2 sw, 1 tr, 2 sw, 1 tr
3 sw, 1 tr, 3 sw, 1 tr
4 sw, 1 tr, 4 sw, 1 tr
5 sw, 1 tr, 5 sw, 1 tr,
6 sw, 1 tr, 6 sw, 1 tr

2nd Snatch Ladder

1 sn, 1 tr, 1 sn, 1 tr,
2 sn, 1 tr, 2 sn, 1 tr,
3 sn, 1 tr, 3 sn, 1 tr,
4 sn, 1 tr, 4 sn, 1 tr,
5 sn, 1 tr, 5 sn, 1 tr,
6 sn, 1 tr, 6 sn 1 tr

Laddering up one rep at a time until reaching,

Swing Ladders 

1 sw, 1 tr, 1 sw, 1 tr,

2 sw, 1 tr, 2 sw, 1 tr,
3 sw, 1 tr, 3 sw, 1 tr,
4 sw, 1 tr, 4 sw, 1 tr,
5 sw, 1 tr, 5 sw, 1 tr,
6 sw, 1 tr, 6 sw, 1 tr,
3rd set, add
7 sw, 1 tr, 7 sw, 1 tr,
4th set, add
8 sw, 1 tr, 8 sw 1 tr,
5th set, add
9 sw, 1 tr, 9 sw, 1 tr,
6th set, add
10 sw, 1 tr, 10 sw, 1 tr

Snatch Ladders

1 sn, 1 tr, 1 sn, 1 tr,
2 sn, 1 tr, 2 sn, 1 tr,
3 sn, 1 tr, 3 sn, 1 tr,
4 sn, 1 tr, 4 sn, 1 tr,
5 sn, 1 tr, 5 sn, 1 tr,
6 sn, 1 tr, 6 sn, 1 tr,
3rd set, add
7 sn, tr, 7 sn, 1 tr
4th set, add
8 sn, 1 tr, 8 sn, 1 tr
5th set, add
9 sn, 1 tr, 9 sn, 1 tr,
6th set, add
10 sn, 1 tr, 10 sn, 1 tr

- Made through the 5th set (9's) and stopped to save my hands...tough, fun workout! Happy to have made it that far.
290 snatches, 430 swings in 35 minutes

Yoga for Winding Down in the Evening, 20 minutes

Monday, May 6, 2013


Mobility warm up

Swing warm up - 12kg, 40 swings

Tracy "Top 40" style sequence - all 1hd swings
* 40 sw 1:00/:30
* 40 sw 1:00/:30
* 20 sw :30/:30
= 100 swings

R1 - 12kg
R2 - 14kg
R3 - 14kg
R4 - 16kg
R5 - 16kg
R6 - 14kg
R7 - 16kg

Then rolled into some 2hd swings
20kg, 20 sw x 5
24kg, 10 sw x 10

900 total swings in 38 minutes

Yoga stretches


From Sunday, May 5

Eoin's Full Routine 2 podcast, 90 minutes

Friday, May 3, 2013


Yoga - Eoin Short, Sweet and Sattvic...yeah, baby. :)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Double Jerks, Squats & Suitcase DLs

Mobility warm up

Double Jerks
2x8kg, 10 x 1
2x10kg, 10 x 1
2x12kg, 5 x 10
* 45-60s rest between sets

Squats (racked)
2x12kg, 10 x 5
* 60-90s rest between sets

Suitcase DL
2x20kg, 10 x 3

Foam roll and stretch