Tuesday, April 30, 2013

TGU, Jerks, Carries & More!

Mobility warm up

TGU - 14kg, 3r/3l

Jerks - 14kg
1:00r/1:00l/1:00rest x 3

Triplet - 3rounds, rest as little as needed
* 10 (5r/5l) stand/kneel/stand, 2x10kg
* 10r/10l one arm rows, 14kg
* 5 push ups

Carries - 20kg
* One hand farmer, 50yds left/50yds right x 2
* Goblet, 100yds x 1
- then the gnats got too bad!

Yoga - 20 min Eoin podcast for Zappos

Monday, April 29, 2013

Squats & Presses

Mobility warm up

Quadomination - from Pat Flynn
8 x 8 racked squats, 2x12kg
* 1:00 rest between sets

Alternating Presses - 2x10kg
4 x 8
4 x 5
*1:00 rest between sets

Sun Salutations

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Monday, April 22, 2013


Mobility warm up

CCv3 on the bike, 40 min
* planned to do KB work, but my back felt vulnerable on the warm up swings

Yoga - Lunar Flow, 25 min.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Deadlifts, H-Snatch & CCv1

Mobility warm up

Deadlifts & Push-ups
135 x3x5
3x5 - push-up on toes for negative, knees on way up

H-Snatch Holds (:20 at top, :10 in rack), 16kg
4:00/1:00 x 2
2:00/:30 x 2
* wanted to do 12:00 accumulated work

CCv1 on bike, 35:00

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Deadlifts & Fresh Off the Yacht

Mobility warm up

Deadlifts & Assisted Pull-ups
135x3x5; 4/2/3 (pull-ups were awful)

AMRAP in 15:00; 14kg
1 Round =
  • 5 One Arm Swings
  • 5 Cleans
  • 5 Snatches
  • 5 Jerks
  • 5 Reverse Lunges (R+L)
Then switch sides.
- Completed 4 rounds each side as written.
- On round 5, switched sides on each set. Finished that with :30 to spare so did 20 h2h swings

Yoga - Sun Salutations, Standing Stretches

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Keith Weber KB Workout

Mobility warm up

Keith Weber Extreme KB Cardio
* Manmaker - 10kg, subbed racked squats for OHS
* Upper Body Blast - 10kg
* Lower Body Blast - 12kg
* Swings - 14kg
* Slingshot (first 3 exercises only) - 14kg
* Core/Cooldown - 10kg

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Endurance Swings

Mobility warm up

Swings - all 14kg
1 set = 20 tr + 10 sw/tr + 1/2 sl + 5/5 x 2 + 10/10 = 100 swings

R1 = 4 sets nonstop, 10:45/1:15 rest = 400 swings
R2 = 3 sets nonstop, 7:45/1:15 rest = 300 swings
R3 = 2 sets nonstop, 5:15/1:00 rest = 200 swings
R4 = 1 set, 2:30 = 100 swings

1000 total swings, ~30 min.

This wasn't too taxing with this weight; HR stayed around 150-160
Tried to keep 40 sw/min pace, but it ended up closer to 37-38/min

Yoga - Hot Power Fusion, 20 min

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Monday, April 8, 2013

H-Snatch Holds & Swings

Mobility warm up

Swings - 16kg
10 2hd
10 r
10 l
all (:15/:15)

H-Snatch Holds - 16kg
Hold 20 sec at top, lower slowly, hold 5 sec in rack
5:00 on/1:00 off x 2

Swings - 24kg
10 2hd x 20 (:15/:15)

Yoga - Lunar Flow

Sunday, April 7, 2013

More Complexes and Some Carries

Mobility warm up

Swings - 16kg
10 2hd x 5 (:15/:15)

The Birthday Worrkout - High Voltage Plus - from Pat Flynn
Do all the following on the right side, then on the left = 1 round

  • 5 one arm swings
  • 5 cleans
  • 5 high pulls
  • 5 snatches
  • 5 long cycle C&J
* Used 14kg; :30 rest between rounds
* Rounds 1-3 done as written; started feeling weak on the C&J very quickly
* Rounds 4-6 switched hands after each exercise
* Felt kinda meh

Carries - minimal rests
  • Farmer, 2x20kg, 50yds x 4
  • Goblet, 20kg, 100yds x 1
  • Farmer (one hand), 20kg, 100yds x 1, switching hands at 50yds
Yoga - Recling Twists

Monday, April 1, 2013

Holy Fiver

Mobility warm up

Swings - 20kg
10 2hd x 5 (:15/:15)

Holy Fiver
AMRAP in 20:00

1 Round =
  • Double Kettlebell Swing x 5
  • Double Kettlebell Snatch x 5
  • Double Kettlebell Clean and Press x 5
  • Double Kettlebell Front Squat x 5
  • Push Up x 5 (did them on knees)

* Shoulders were fried!
* 5 rounds @ 2x10kg
* 4 rounds @ 2x8kg, plus 5 swings, 5 snatches, 5 C&P and 5 front squats

Hanging knee raises - 5x5

Yoga - Gentle Hatha #1, 20 min