Monday, October 29, 2012


short mobility warm up

Tracy's "One Bell" workout from 12/17/11
* Used 16kg bell
* Put my own twist on 5th rotation

warm up
10 tr, 10 2hd, 10 tr, 10 2hd = 2 min (40 reps 15/15)

1st rotation (equal work/rest)
10 tr x 4 sets (40 reps, 15/15)
40 2 hd sw x 1 ( 40 resp, 1 min/30)

2nd rotation
1/2 sw ladder x 4 sets (40 reps total, 15/15)
40 tr x 1 set (40 reps, 1 min/30)

3rd rotation
5/5 1 hd sw x 4 sets (40 reps total, 15/15)
1/2 sw ladder x 4 x 1 set (40 reps, 1 min/30 sec)

4th rotation
10 one hd sw x 4 sets (2 sets R, 2 sets L, 40 reps total 15/15)
5/5 1 hd sw x 4 x 1 set (1 min/30 sec)

5th rotation
10/10 x 2 x 1 set (40 reps 1 min/30)
5/5 x 4 x 1 set (40 reps total, 1 min/30)
1/2 sw ladder x 4 x 1 set (40 reps total 1 min/30)
40 tr ( 1 min/30)
10/10 + 5/5 + 1/2 sw ld + 40 tr (1:15)

570 swings, ~25 minutes


Kettlebell Circuit

Sunday workout

Variation of AOS Providence

All rounds 2:00 work/1:00 rest
All done with 14kg

R1 - Swings
R2 - LCC
R3 - Squats - racked & goblet
R4 - One leg DL
R5 - LCC & PP
R6 - Flip & squat
R7 - Tactical lunges
R8 - Snatches
R9 - Figure 8 to hold
R10 - H-snatch
R11 - One arm row
R12 - Planks

Snatch challenge - 3:00, 14kg

Yoga stretches

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Mobility warm up

68x1x5; 78x1x5; 88x1x5; 98x1x3; 108x2x5; 98x1x8

Yoga - Sage Rountree, sun salutations, standing stretches and pigeon sequence

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


short mobility warm up

Swings - all rounds done as "Sinister"

Warm up
= 100 swings
- 2:00 rest here

Work sets
* 24kg
* 20kg, 1hd version, start with right (5, 5/5, 5/5/5, 5/5/5/5)
* 20kg, 1 hd version, start with left
* 24kg
* 24kg
* 24kg
* 24kg
= 350 swings

450 total swings

Monday, October 22, 2012

Squats& H-Snatch

Mobility warm up

68x2x5; 83x1x5; 98x1x4; 108x2x4; 98x1x7

* 20 sec hold at top, 5 sec slow count in rack position
* all alternating
16kg, 5:00on/1:00off x 1
16kg, 4:00on/1:00off x 1
16kg, 3:00on/1:00off x 1

Sun salutations

Friday, October 19, 2012

AOS Providence

AOS Providence
* whole thing, increased weights on some exercises since last time

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Mobility warm up

Swings - Tracy's "25" 
* Rounds 1-4 only
* 24kg on the 2hd sets, EWR
* 16kg on the 1hd sets, 37sec work/23sec rest

5x5 reps (1.25 min)
20 tr + 5 2 hd sw x 1
5x5 reps
1 sw 1 tr  10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
5x5 reps
5/5 x 2 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
5x5 reps
10/10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
* 9 min., 200 swings
4x5 reps (1 min.)
20 tr + 5 2 hd sw x 1
4x5 reps
1 sw 1 tr  10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
4x5 reps
5/5 x 2 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
4x5 reps
10/10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
* 8 min, 180 swings
3x5 reps (.75 min)
20 tr + 5 2 hd sw x 1
3x5 reps
1 sw 1 tr  10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
3x5 reps
5/5 x 2 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
3x5 reps
10/10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
* 7 min., 160 swings
2x5 reps (.5)
20 tr + 5 2 hd sw x 1
2x5 reps
1 sw 1 tr  10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
2x5 reps
5/5 x 2 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
2x5 reps
10/10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
* 6 min., 140 swings
680 total swings

Sun Salutations

Monday, October 15, 2012

Squats & H-Snatch

Mobility warm up

63x2x5; 78x1x5; 93x1x5; 103x2x7; 93x1x10

* 20 sec hold at top, 5 sec slow count in rack position
* all alternating
16kg, 8:00on/1:00off x 1
16kg, 4:00on/1:00off x 1
- Planned on doing three sets of 4:00, but the first one felt strong, so I kept going. The last set was considerably harder. ;)

Baptiste power yoga, 25 min.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

H-Snatch & Swings

Short mobility warm up

14kg, 5:00 on/1:00 off x 1
16kg, 3:00 on/1:00 off x 2

Swings - Round 1 of Tracy's "25", all 20kg
* 5 x 5 2hd
* 20 tr + 5 2hd
* 5 x 5 2hd
* 1 sw + 1tr + 5 2hd
* 5 x 5 2hd
* 5/5 + 5 2hd
* 5 x 5 2hd
* 10/10 + 5 2hd
200 swings, 9 minutes

Yoga - sun salutations

Thursday, October 11, 2012


mobility warm up

3 Rounds
* Snatches, 5r/5l, 12kg
* 5 assisted pull ups, 24lb assist

Swings - "Long and Short", beginner version, heavy
2 Rounds
* 24kg, 10 2 hd sw x 1 (15/15)
* 20kg, 10 transfer swings x 1 (15/15)
* 24kg, 10 2 hd sw x 2 sets (15/15 x 2)
* 20kg, 1 sw, 1 tr x 10 x 1 set (20 swings, 30/30)
* 24kg, 10 2 hd sw x 3 set (15/15 x 3)
* 20kg, 2 sw, 1 tr x 10 x 1 set (30 swings, 45/45 sec)
* 24kg, 10 2 hd sw x 4 sets (15/15 x 4)
* 20kg, 3 sw, 1 tr x 10 x 1 set (40 swings, 1 min/1 min)
1:30 rest, then repeat

400 swings, about 21 minutes

Yoga stretching & foam roll ~ 15 minutes

Monday, October 8, 2012


Mobility warm up


1. Sinister - 4rounds
* 20kg
* 24kg
* 20kg
* 24kg

2. A really stupid Sinister variation
* 20kg, 5r
* 24kg, 20 2hd
* 20kg, 5l
* 24kg, 20 2hd
* 20kg, 5r/5l
* 24kg, 15 2hd
* 20kg, 5l/5r
* 24kg, 15 2hd
* 20kg, 5r/5l/5r
* 24kg, 10 2hd
* 20kg, 5l/5r/5l
* 24kg, 10 2hd
- had to quit here, legs were shaky, felt pukey

350 total swings

Yoga - various, about 40 min.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Squats & H-Snatch

Mobility warm up

63x2x7; 78x1x5; 93x1x5; 103x2x6; 93x1x9

* 20 sec hold at top, 5 sec slow count in rack position
* all alternating
16kg, 4:00on/1:00off x 1
14kg, 5:00on/1:00off x 2

Lunar flow, 25 min.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Short mobility warm up

Swings - Roundabout Ladder Variations
* 15 sec rest between sets; 1:00 rest between rounds

Round 1 & 2
16kg 1 x rd abt
20kg 1 x rd abt
16kg 1 x rd abt
20kg 2 x rd abt
16kg 1 x rd abt
20kg 3 x rd abt
16kg 1 x rd abt
20kg 4 x rd abt
16kg 1 x rd abt
20kg 5 x rd abt  = 160 swings/round x 2 = 320

Round 3
16kg 1 x rd abt
20kg 1 x rd abt
16kg 2 x rd abt
20kg 2 x rd abt
16kg 3 x rd abt
20kg 3 x rd abt
16kg 3 x rd abt
20kg 3 x rd abt
16kg 2 x rd abt
20kg 2 x rd abt
16kg 1 x rd abt
20kg 1 x rd abt  = 192 swings

512 total swings

Yoga - Sun Salutations

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Squats & H-Snatch

Mobility warm up

63x1x7; 78x1x5; 93x1x5; 103x2x5; 93x1x8

* 20 sec hold at top, 5 sec slow count in rack position
* all alternating
16kg, 3:00on/1:30off
14kg, 5:00on/1:00off x 2

Stretch and foam roll