LIS Afterburn: Express 1-5
* Skipped 5B
CG IRON Series Day 9: 30 Minute Full Body Dumbell Cardio (75%)
* Skipped last two rounds (side lunges) and finisher
Friday, April 22
CG IRON Series Day 8: 30 Minute Glutes and Hamstrings (Hip Thrusts/RDL)
Thursday, April 21
CG IRON Series Day 7: 30 Minute Shoulders and Triceps
Wednesaday, April 20
LITE Strong Body Stacked Sets: Lower Body (75%)
* Rounds 1A, 1B, 2A
Saturday, April 16
CG IRON Series Day 5: 30 Minute Arms and Abs
Friday, April 15
CG IRON Series Day 4: 30 Minute Full Body Workout & 4x4 Abs (first half)
Sunday, April 10
CG IRON Series Day 2: Shoulders and Back Only
Monday, March 7
CG 20 Minute HARD Upper Body Dumbbell Workout
Sunday, February 20
YDL Yoga for Weight Loss #1 30 Minutes with Dawnelle Arthur
Saturday, February 19
30 MInute Power Yoga "Edge" with Travis Eliot
Tuesday, January 18
CG 20 Minute Upper Body Dumbbell Circuit
Tuesday, January 11
Cathe Live Legs Express: Moderate Weight
* Skipped floorwork for time
Cathe Live Chiseled Upper Body Blast
* First 30 minutes - all cardio segments, skipped floor work for time
CG 20 Minute Dumbbell Legs (Step Ups, Lunges, Squats)
* 12kg (2 & 1), 8kg, 15lb (2)
Swings - 5 rounds
*20kg; 20sw/rd; approx 30sec work/30sec rest