Saturday, November 29, 2014

Glutes & Legs

Mobility warm up

Kneeling Band Hip Thrusts
3 x 20

Goblet squat
* 15, 12kg
* 12, 14kg
* 10, 16kg

Step up to rear lunge
- 14" step
* 15/15, 2x12lb
* 12/12, 2x15lb
* 8/8, 2x20lb

Walking lunge/RDL couplet
* 30 WL, 12kg
* 15 RDL, 28kg
* 24 WL, 14kg
* 15 RDL, 28kg
* 16 WL, 2x8kg
* 15 RDL, 28kg

X-Band walks
15/15 x

Jill Miller PAS for Runners

Power Kata

Friday, November 28
Combat 45 Power Kata

Kneeling Band Hip Thrusts
3 x 20

Friday, November 28, 2014

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

BB Shoulders & Arms

Body Beast Bulk Shoulders
Body Beast Bulk Arms

Standing Band Hip Thrusts
4 x 20

Sage Rountree Sun Salutations

X10 & HoCo

Monday, November 24
Cathe X10 Hi/Lo
* warm up and workout

Horizontal Conditioning Vol 1
* workout

Sage Rountree Standing Stretches and Pigeon Sequence

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Glutes & Legs

Mobility warm up

Bret Contreras Booty-Blasting Protocol
- used wide band
* 20 hip thrusts
* 45 sec rest
* 15 hip thrusts
* 45 sec rest
* 10 hip thrusts w/ 5 sec iso hold at end
* 20 sec rest
* 10 hip thrusts w/ 30 sec iso hold at end

Band pull thru
- green band
20 x 3

Goblet squat
* 15, 12kg
* 12, 14kg
* 8, 16kg

Step up to rear lunge
- 14" step
* 15/15, 2x12lb
* 12/12, 2x15lb
* 8/8, 2x20lb

Walking lunge/RDL couplet
* 30 WL, 10kg
* 15 RDL, 24kg
* 24 WL, 12kg
* 15 RDL, 24kg
* 16 WL, 14kg
* 15 RDL, 24kg

X-Band walks
15/15 x 2

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Total Body

Mobility warm up

3 Rounds
* 20 BW hip thrusts
* 10 band pull throughout, green band

Body Beast Total Body, ~ 40 minutes

Sage Rountree Standing Stretches and Pigeon Sequence

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Power Max

Friday, November 14
Cathe's Power Max, 60 minutes
* my party arms still look spastic

Horizontal Conditioning Volume 1

Thursday, November 13
Horizontal Conditioning Volume 1, 45 minutes
* lots of modifications

Combat Power HIIT 1

Wednesday, November 12
Combat Power HIIT 1, 30 minutes


Sunday, November 9, 2014

Afterburn & Yoga

Cathe Afterburn
* Full workout, but skipped the lunge/lat raise combo on last superset

Foam roll
YDL Hip Opening Flow #2, 20 min

Saturday, November 8, 2014

3 Mile Run

Zombies, Run!
* Mission #3, "Distraction"
* ran 3 miles, walked .1
* ~ 40 minutes...meh

Fitness Blender 8 Minute Abs

YDL Gentle Hatha for Hips, 25 minutes

Combat 45 Power Kata

Wednesday, November 5
Combat 45 Power Kata

Foam roll and stretch

Monday, November 3, 2014

Abs & Stretch

Sunday, November 2
Amy Bento's Abs & Stretch
* First 25 minutes of abs
* First 20 minutes of stretch 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Swings & Floor Glutes

Short mobility warm up

12kg - 20sw x 1 (30)
16kg - 20sw x 1 (30)
20kg - 20sw x 5 (30)
20kg - 10sw x 10 (30)

Butt Bible Lower Vol 1, 20 min
* Instructor chatter is...interesting.

2:00 planks, nonstop, change type every :30

YDL Hip Opening Flow #1, 20 min