Sunday, January 15, 2012

Playing with Roundabouts

10 min warm up

Playing with Roundabouts - Explanation of Tracy's roundabout combo HERE
* All 12kg
* 1 rd ab = 2 hd sw, tr right, 1 sw right, tr 2 hd, 2 hd sw, tr left, 1 sw left, tr 2 hd = 8 swings

Swing warm up: 10 swings x 10 (15/15) = 100 swings
* alternated 10 2 hd and 10 tr

Rotation 1
1 rd ab x 5 = 40 swings (1:00/30)

1 hd swing ladder up x 5 = 60 swings (1:30/45)
* increase 1 hd swings ONLY each set up to 5 (i.e. 5th set =  2 hd sw, tr right, 5 sw right, tr,...)

2 hd swing ladder up x 5 = 60 swings (1:30/45)
* increase 2 hd swings ONLY each set up to 5 (i.e. 5th set = 5 2-hd sw, tr right, 1 sw right, tr,...)

Ladder BOTH swings up x 5 = 80 swings (2:00/1:00)
* increase both 1-hd and 2-hd swings on each set

Rotation 2
5x5 Roundabout Ladder - 5 rd ab/set for 5 "ladder rungs"
* increase BOTH 1-hd and 2-hd swings on each "ladder rung"

Rung 1
1 sw rd ab x 5 = 40 swings (1:00/30)
Rung 2
2 sw rd ab x 5 = 60 swings (1:30/45)
(specifically: 2 2-hd sw, tr right, 2 sw right, tr 2 hd, 2 2-hd sw, tr left, 2 sw left, tr 2 hd)
Rung 3
3 sw rd ab x 5 = 80 swings (2:00/1:00)
Rung 4
4 sw rd ab x 5 = 100 swings (2:30/1:00)
Rung 5
5 sw rd ab x 5 = 120 swings (3:00)

740 total swings, ~ 29 minutes
* Fun workout! Nice and easy.

2012 Challenge: 6020/100,000

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