Saturday, June 29, 2013

AOS Providence

AOS Providence, with a few subs
* Used 12kg, except where noted

R1 - Swings
R2 - LCC
R3 - Chest press
R4 - Squats - racked & goblet (sub)
R5 - One leg DL
R6 - TGU (sub)
R7 - LCC & Press
R8 - Flip & squat
R9 - Tactical lunges
R10 - Triple crush, 2x12lb dumbells
R11- Figure 8 to hold
R12 - Seated press, 10kg
R13 - One arm row
R14 - Abs, 10kg

Snatch challenge - Did 1:00, shoulders felt too fatigued

Sage Rountree Shoulder Openers, Reclining Twists, foam roll

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Double C&J and Yoga

Mobility warm up

Additonal warm up
5 Rounds
* 5 band pull ups (wide band)
* 20 swings, 14kg

Double C&J
8 x 5, 2x12kg
1:00 rest between sets

YDL HardCORE Yoga w/ Weights Mini Boot Camp, 25 min.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Squats & Yoga

Mobility warm up

Racked Squats
wu: 2x8kg, 10 x 1
Quadomination via Pat Flynn
2x12kg, 8 x 8
:45-1:00 rest between sets

YDL Yoga for Strength, first 30 min of 45 min practice (too many interruptions)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

P90X Back & Swings

P90X Back & Biceps
* warm up
* All back segments; pull ups done with 40lbs assistance
* First two biceps exercises. I haven't worked biceps in any focused way in a few years, and they got VERY tight after just the first few exercises, so I bailed on those.

Swings - Tracy's "25"
* All 1 hd sets @ 14kg, all 2 hd sets @ 20kg

5x5 reps (1.25 min)
20 tr + 5 2 hd sw x 1
5x5 reps
1 sw 1 tr  10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
5x5 reps
5/5 x 2 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
5x5 reps
10/10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1

30 sec rest
* 9 min., 200 swings


4x5 reps (1 min.)
20 tr + 5 2 hd sw x 1
4x5 reps
1 sw 1 tr  10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
4x5 reps
5/5 x 2 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
4x5 reps
10/10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1

45 sec rest
* 8 min, 180 swings

3x5 reps (.75 min)
20 tr + 5 2 hd sw x 1
3x5 reps
1 sw 1 tr  10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
3x5 reps
5/5 x 2 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
3x5 reps
10/10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1

1:00 rest
* 7 min., 160 swings

2x5 reps (.5)
20 tr + 5 2 hd sw x 1
2x5 reps
1 sw 1 tr  10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
2x5 reps
5/5 x 2 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
2x5 reps
10/10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1

1:00 rest
* 6 min., 140 swings

5 reps (.25)
20 tr + 5 2 hd sw x 1
5 reps
1 sw 1 tr  10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
5 reps
5/5 x 2 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
5 reps
10/10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
* 5 min., 120 swings

* extended some rests a little on R5

  ~38 min., 800 total swings
* 500 14kg, 300 20kg

YDL Lunar Flow, 25 min

Friday, June 21, 2013

Double C&J and Swings

Mobility warm up

TGU - 14kg, 3l/3r,, alternating

Double C&J, 2x12kg
7 x 5
45 sec rest between sets

Tracy's "One Bell" workout from 12/17/11

warm up
10 2 hd sw x 4 sets = 2 min (40 reps 15/15)

1st rotation (equal work/rest)
10 tr x 4 sets (40 reps, 15/15)
40 2 hd sw x 1 ( 40 reps, 1 min/30 sec)

2nd rotation 
1/2 sw ladder x 4 sets (40 reps total, 15/15)
40 tr x 1 set (40 reps, 1 min/30 sec)

3rd rotation
5/5 1 hd sw x 4 sets (40 reps total, 15/15)
1/2 sw ladder x 4 x 1 set (40 reps, 1 min/30 sec)

4th rotation
10r, then 10l x 2 (15/15)
5/5 1 hd sw x 4 x 1 set (1 min/30 sec)

5th rotation
40 2 hd sw (40 reps total, 1 min/15 sec)
10/10 x 2 x 1 set (40 reps 1 min/15 sec)
5/5 x 4 x 1 set (40 reps total, 1 min/30 sec)
1/2 sw ladder x 4 x 1 set (40 reps total 1 min/15 sec)
40 tr ( 1 min/15 sec)
40 2 hd sw (1 min.)

600 swings, ~ 24 minutes

Sage Yoga Sun Salutations

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


YDL Flowmotion, first 45 minutes of a 60 minute practice
* Fun practice!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Swings and Snatches

Mobility warm up

Tracy's Swing/Snatch "100" (modified)
* 12kg for all

  • 100 swings (30 sec rest)
  • 5sn/5sn x 1 (30 sec rest)
  • 100 swings (30 sec rest)
  • 5sn/5sn x 2 (30 sec rest)
  • 100 swings (30 sec rest)
  • 5sn/5sn x 3 (30 sec rest)
  • 100 swings (30 sec rest)
  • 5sn/5sn x 4 (30 sec rest)
  • 100 swings (30 sec rest)
  • 5sn/5sn x 5 (30 sec rest)
500 swings, 150 snatches in ~27 min.

YDL Simple & Sweet Flow Yoga, 20 min.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

AOS Providence

AOS Providence, with a few subs
* Used 12kg, except where noted

R1 - Swings
R2 - LCC
R3 - Chest press
R4 - Squats - racked & goblet (sub)
R5 - One leg DL
R6 - Windmills only, 10kg (sub)
R7 - LCC & Press
R8 - Flip & squat
R9 - Tactical lunges
R10 - Triple crush, 25lb plate
R11- Figure 8 to hold
R12 - Seated press, 10kg
R13 - One arm row
R14 - Abs, 10kg

Snatch challenge - 60 snatches

YDL Warming Power Flow, 20 min.

Friday, June 14, 2013


2 mile run, some hills

YDL Yoga for Cyclists, 20 min.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

TGU & Swings

Wednesday, June12 workout

Mobility warm up

TGU: 14kg, 3r/3l, alternating

10 rounds of 100 swings
 Each round =
  • 40 sw (1:00/:30), 14kg
  • 40 sw (1:00/:30), 16kg
  • 20 2hd sw (:30/:30), 20kg
* The 40 sw sets were done as 5 roundabouts, a la Tracy.
 1000 total swings, 40 minutes

Monday, June 10, 2013


Mobility warm up

50 swings, 12kg

Swing Ladder
* 1hd swings = 14kg, nonstop
* 2hd swings = 24kg, (:15/:15) work/rest

10r/10l x 5 (1:00)
10 2hd x 5
9r/9l x 5 (1:00)
10 2hd x 5
8r/8l x 5 (1:00)
10 2hd x 5
7r/7l x 5 (:45)
10 2hd x 5
6r/6l x 5 (:45)
10 2hd x 5
5r/5l x 5 (:45)
10 2hd x 5
4r/4l x 5 (:45)
10 2hd x 4 **
3r/3l x 5 (:30)
10 2hd x 3
2r/2l x 5 (:15)
10 2hd x 2
1r/1l x 5 (:15)
10 2hd

400 24kg swings, 550 14kg swings, ~42 minutes
** Planned to do 5 sets of 10 2hd swings all the way through, but got too fatigued, so laddered down.

1000 total swings, including warm up

Sage yoga, standing stretches and reclining twists

Sunday, June 9, 2013

AOS Providence

AOS Providence, with a few subs
* Used 12kg, except where noted

R1 - Swings
R2 - LCC
R3 - Chest press
R4 - Squats - racked & goblet (sub)
R5 - One leg DL
R6 - TGU (sub)
R7 - LCC & Press
R8 - Flip & squat
R9 - Tactical lunges
R10 - Triple crush, 25lb plate
R11- Figure 8 to hold
R12 - Seated press, 10kg
R13 - One arm row
R14 - Abs, 10kg

Snatch challenge - 65 snatches, 33r/32l

YDL Core Yoga #1, 20 min.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Thursday, June 6, 2013


YDL HardCORE Yoga with Weights Mini Boot Camp, 20 min
* Nonstop fun!

Sequential Dismay & Swing/Jump Rope Couplet

Wednesday, June 5 workout

Mobility warm up

100 swings, 12kg, 1 and 2 hd mix

Sequential Dismay - from Pat Flynn 
1 Round =

  • 8 Double Kettlebell Cleans
  • 5 Front Squats
  • 5 Double Kettlebell Cleans
  • 3 Front Squats
  • 3 Double Kettlebell Cleans
  • 2 Front Squats
  • 2 Double Kettlebell Cleans
  • 1 Front Squat

* 5 rounds, 2x10kg, ~11:00 w/ breaks
* I still hate this complex.

Swing/Jump Rope Complex
15 2hd swings (24kg)/50 jump ropes

* 10 rounds in 11:03

Short stretch

Monday, June 3, 2013

Max VO2 Snatches & Swings

Mobility warm up

TGU: 14kg, 2r/2l

Max VO2 Snatches - 12kg, (:15r/:15 rest/:15l/:15 rest)

6r/6l x 10 sets = 120 snatches, 10 min.
1:00 rest
7r/7l x 10 sets = 140 snatches, 10 min.

Swings - 24kg
10 2hd sw x 20 (:15/:15)

Saturday, June 1, 2013

AOS Providence

AOS Providence, with a few subs
* Used 12kg, except where noted

R1 - Swings
R2 - LCC
R3 - Chest press
R4 - Squats - racked & goblet (sub)
R5 - One leg DL
R6 - TGU (sub)
R7 - LCC & Press
R8 - Flip & squat
R9 - Tactical lunges
R10 - Curl to overhead w/ slow negative, 2x8kg (sub)
R11- Figure 8 to hold
R12 - Seated press, 10kg
R13 - One arm row
R14 - Abs, 10kg

Skipped the snatch challenge, hands were too sticky and good would come of it..

YDL Qi Yoga for Runners, 20 min.