Thursday, August 8, 2013

Inferno Power

Inferno Day 9
* 12lb DB's for weighted work

Sage Rountree Sun Salutations


  1. Hi Gayle :)
    How are you liking the inferno program? it looks tough.

  2. Hi Nadine - I like it! It's a fun change up. It's been a long time since I did anything hign intensity like this. My first set of burpee box jumps were pretty comical. I thought my feet were made of cement! The workouts aren't too long, mostly 30-35 minutes, which is nice...I miss the bells though. I think I may try to work out some KB/Inferno hybrid program after the 21 days is up.

    I'm trying to find that Twisted Sister yoga routine you posted about. Can you get it online or is it DVD only?
