Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Swings, Complex & Yoga

Morning Yoga: Gentle Hatha #1, 20 min.

Mobility warm up

Sinister Swings - one arm
  • 16kg, start right
  • 16kg, start left
  • 20kg, start right
  • 20kg, start left 
- 200 swings

Kettlebell Complex - by Pat Flynn, via Kettlebella , all 12kg
  • Two hand Swing - 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
  • One Arm Swing - 2L+2R, 4L+4R, 6L+6R, 8L+8R, 10L+10R
  • Racked Front Squat to Press - 2L+2R, 4L+4R, 6L+6R, 8L+8R, 10L+10R
  • Snatch - 2L+2R, 4L+4R, 6L+6R, 8L+8R, 10L+10R
- Managed to not put the bell down until the racked squats on the last round, then had to rest before and after those. ~ 15-16 min.
- ITA with Nadine, fun and tough!

Yoga: HardCORE Yoga (yoga download.com), 20 min.