Saturday, July 7, 2012

Squats, Rows & Floor Presses

Extra long warm up, lots of hip opening and glute activation

3 Rounds - untimed, nice and easy
* 10 tactical lunges, 12kg
* 10 double racked squats, 2x8kg
* R1: 5 dislocates, R2: bottom squat hold, R3: 5 dislocates

Week 2, Day 3
1. Squats - To a box
33x1x10 (12" box); 43x2x6; 53x1x6 (switched to 10" box)
78x5x6 (ended up using 11" box...just right)

2a. Close grip floor press - 40x4x6; 40x1x10
2b. One arm rows - 32.5x5x6

Swings - 16kg, 2 hd
- Breathing ladders 1-20
- 1 sw, 1 breath, 2 sw, 2 breath...19 sw, 19 breath, 20 sw
- 200 total swings

* Took forever to warm up for squats
* The breathing ladders were...meh...they weren't challenging. I had no trouble breathing through the nose for the whole thing.