Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Mobility warm up

Sinister swing warm up
* 20kg, 2 rounds = 100 swings

H-Snatch Holds - 16kg, alternating
3:00on/1:00off x 4
* no matter how I work the time, 12 total minutes seems to be my max before form breaks

Jump rope finisher
* 40on/20off x 7

Foam roll & stretch

Sunday, January 27, 2013


KB Circuit - Providence variation, 2:00/1:00

  • Swings, 16kg
  • Cleans, 16kg
  • Chest press, 12kg
  • Goblet squat, 16kg
  • RDL, 24kg
  • Swings, 20kg
  • LC C&P, dbl 8kg
  • Flip & squat, 14kg
  • Tactical lunge, 14kg
  • Figure 8 hold & slingshot, 16kg
Rest 1:00, then
10 2hd sw x 5 (15/15), 24kg

Foam roll & stretch

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Mobility warm up

Swing warm up - 20kg; 10 2hd x 5 (15/15) = 50 sw

One Arm swing Practice
20kg; 5r (7.5/7.5), 5l (7.5/7.5) x 5 = 50 sw
1:00 rest
20kg; 10r (15/15), 10l (15/15) x 5 = 100 sw
1:00 rest
24kg; every 30 sec, 5r, 5l x 4 = 20 sw
24kg; 5r + 5 2hd + 5l + 52h x 4 (30/30) = 80 sw

2:00 rest

Sinister - 24kg; all 2hd; 4 rounds = 200 sw

500 total swings

Foam roll and stretch

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Mobility warm up

Swing warm up: 16kg (15/15)
10 2hd
10 tr
1/2 sl
1/2 sl
10 tr
10 2hd
= 100 swings

16kg, alternating
4:00on/1:00off x 2
3:00on/1:00off x 1

Sun salutations

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Sinister Swings

mobility warm up

Sinister Swings
warm up - 16kg x 1 = 50 sw

24kg x 4 = 200 sw
2:00 rest
24kg x 4 = 200 sw
1:30 rest, then
24kg, at the top of the minute, 25 2hd sw x 4 = 100 sw

550 total swings, ~ 30 minutes

Jill Miller PAS for Cyclists

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

KB Circuit

mobility warm up

KB Circuit "Ladder Down"
6 rounds with declining reps each round 10,9,8,7,6,5

  • 2 hd sw, 20kg
  • Goblet squat, 16kg
  • One arm row, reps/side, 14kg
  • Tactical lunges, reps/side, 14kg
  • Romanian deadlift, 20kg

Jump rope finisher - 30/15 x 5

Jill Miller post athletic stretch for runners

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Snatches & Jump Rope

Mobility warm up

TGU - 16kg 1/1, 14kg 1/1

Snatches - all 30/30
14 kg, 5/5 x 10 = 100 total
16kg, 3/3 x 7 = 42 total

Jump Rope
1:00 on/30 off x 6

Sage Rountree yoga - Sun salutations, reclining twists, pigeon sequence

Friday, January 11, 2013


iTrain set 20, 30 minutes

* jogged the first two 10 minute intervals
* walk/jogged the third interval
* 2.5 miles

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Heavy Swings

mobility warm up


Heavy 1hd practice, 20kg, all (15/15)
* 10 2hd x 2
* 10 tr x 2
* 1/1 + 2/2 x 2
* 5/5 x 2
* 10r
* 10l
- 100 swings

2hd swings, 24kg
* 5 sw x 20 (7.5/7.5)
* 10 sw x 10 (15/15)
* 20 sw x 5 (30/30)
* top of the minute, 25 sw x 4
- 400 swings

500 total swings

Eoin's 20 min yoga session for Zappos

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

H-Snatch & Swing-Jump Rope Couplet

Mobility warm up

H-Snatch Hold
* 16kg, alternating
* 3:00 on/:30 off x 3

Swing - Jump Rope Couplet
AMRAP for 10:00
* 15 2hd sw (20kg) and 50 jump rope
10 rounds plus 15 swings

Sage Sun Salutations

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Just Swings

Short warm up

Swings - all sets done (15/15)
* 16kg, 10 2hd x 5
* 16kg, 5r/5l x 5
* 20kg, 10 2hd x 5
* 24kg, 10 2hd x 5
Rest 1:00
* 24kg, 10 2hd x 10
Rest 45 sec
* 20kg, 10 2hd
* 20kg, 5r/5l
Rest 30 sec
* 16kg, 10r
* 16kg, 10l

500 total swings, ~28 minutes