Thursday, January 30, 2014

Swings & Pull Ups

Mobility warm up
Swing warm up - 16kg, 10 sw x 5 (15/15)

Dan John's 10,000 Swing Challenge
Swing Workout #7
* all swings 20kg
* all pull ups assisted with a band
* rests between sets ~ 30 sec; rests between rounds 2:00 +/-

5 Rounds
* 10 swings
* 1 pull up
* 15 swings
* 2 pull ups
* 25 swings
* 3 pull ups
* 50 swings

Workout time ~37:00

YDL Lunar Flow, 20 min.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Swings & Push Ups

Mobility warm up
Swing warm up - 16kg, 10 sw x 5 (15/15)

Dan John's 10,000 Swing Challenge
Swing Workout #6
* all swings 20kg
* all push ups on toes
* rests between sets ~ 30 sec; rests between rounds 2:00 +/-

5 Rounds
* 10 swings
* 1 push up
* 15 swings
* 2 push ups
* 25 swings
* 3 push ups
* 50 swings

Workout time ~37:00

Sage Standing Stretches, Pigeon Sequence 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Swings & Presses

Mobility warm up
Swing warm up - 16kg, 10 sw x 5 (15/15)

Dan John's 10,000 Swing Challenge
Swing Workout #5
* all swings 20kg
* one arm presses 14kg
* rests between sets ~ 30 sec; rests between rounds 2:00 +/-

5 Rounds
* 10 swings
* 1l/1r press
* 15 swings
* 2l/2r presses
* 25 swings
* 3l/3r presses
* 50 swings

Workout time ~40:00

YDL Hip Opener #1

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Swings & Squats

Mobility warm up
Swing warm up - 16kg, 10 sw x 5 (15/15)

Dan John's 10,000 Swing Challenge
Swing Workout #4
* all swings 20kg
* double rack squats, 2x12kg
* rests between sets ~ 30 sec; rests between rounds 2:00 +/-

5 Rounds
* 10 swings
* 1 squat
* 15 swings
* 2 squats
* 25 swings
* 3 squats
* 50 swings

Workout time ~40:00

5 minute Low Back Quick Fix, YDL Hot Power Fusion

Friday, January 24, 2014

Swings & Push Ups

Mobility warm up
Swing warm up - 16kg, 10 sw x 5 (15/15)

Dan John's 10,000 Swing Challenge
Swing Workout #3
* all swings 20kg
* all push ups on toes
* rests between sets ~ 30 sec; rests between rounds 2:00 +/-

5 Rounds
* 10 swings
* 1 push up
* 15 swings
* 2 push ups
* 25 swings
* 3 push ups
* 50 swings

Workout time ~37:00

Sage Sun Sal, Pigeon Seq, Recining Twists

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Swings & Pull Ups

Mobility warm up
Swing warm up - 16kg, 10 sw x 5 (15/15)

Dan John's 10,000 Swing Challenge
Swing Workout #2
* all swings 20kg
* all pull ups assisted with a band
* rests between sets ~ 30 sec; rests between rounds 2:00 +/-

5 Rounds
* 10 swings
* 1 pull up
* 15 swings
* 2 pull ups
* 25 swings
* 3 pull ups
* 50 swings

Workout time ~37:00 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Swings & Presses

Mobility warm up
Swing warm up - 16kg, 10 sw x 5 (15/15)

Dan John's 10,000 Swing Challenge
*  I'm going to do this program 4x per week for a total of 20 workouts. My 5th workout in a week (if I do one) will be something completely different, for a mental break.
* My plan is to use 20kg for the swings. In order to avoid injury, I'm giving myself license to drop to 16kg for any workout, in whole or in part, as needed.

Swing Workout #1
* all swings 20kg
* all arm presses 14kg
* rests between sets ~ 30 sec; rests between rounds 1:30-2:00

5 Rounds
* 10 swings
* 1r/1l press
* 15 swings
* 2r/2l press
* 25 swings
* 3r/3l press
* 50 swings

Total workout, including all warm ups, took ~47:00
550 total swings, 30r/30l presses

YDL Yoga for Cyclists, 20 minutes

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Swings, TGU & Cardio

Mobility warm up

* warm up - 16kg, 10 sw x 5 (15/15)
* 24kg, 10 sw x 10 (15/15)
* rest :30
* 24kg, 10 sw x 5 (15/15)
* rest :30
* 24kg, 10 sw x 5 (15/15)
250 total swings

* 14kg, 5l/5r, alternating, nonstop

* Step segments only, ~20:00

Sage Sun Salutations

Saturday, January 18, 2014


Mobility warm up

* warm up: 16kg, 10 sw x 5 (15/15)
* 24kg, 10 sw x 10 (15/15)
* 1:00 rest
* 24kg, 10 sw x 10 (15/15)
* 1:00 rest
* 24kg, 10 sw x 10 (15/15)
* then right into: 16kg, 50 sw nonstop
400 total swings

Sage Rountree Standing Hip Openers, Pigeon Sequence

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Squats & Swings

Mobility warm up

Swing warm up - 16kg, 10 sw x 5 (15/15)

Squats (racked)
* 2x10kg, 10 x 1
* 2x12kg, 5 x 10
* :30-1:00 rest between sets

5 rounds
* 24kg, 10 sw (15/15)
* 20kg, 20 sw (30/30)
rest 1:00, then repeat
350 total swings (including warm up)

20 minute stretch and foam roll

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Swings & Cardio

Mobility warm up

Swings - 2hd
* warm up: 16kg, 10 sw x 5 (15/15)
* 24kg, 10 sw x 10 (15/15)
150 total swings

* Intervals 1, 4, 6-10 complete

Yoga - Sage Rountree Sun Salutations, Reclining Twists

Quick Yoga

Monday, January 13

YDL Hip Opening Flow #3, 25 minutes

Sunday, January 12, 2014

TGU, Swings & Atletica

Mobility warm up

* 14kg, 5l/5r, alternating, no rest

Swings - all 2hd
* warm up, 16kg, 10 sw x 5 (15/15)
* 24kg, 10 sw x 20 (15/15)

250 total swings

* Series 1 - both sets, 10kb and 8kg bell
* Series 2 - first set only, 12lb db and 2x5lb dbs
* Series 3 - both sets, 12lb db

20 minutes of yoga

Thursday, January 9, 2014

TGU, Swings & Yoga...again

Mobility warm up

* 14kg, 3l/3r, no rest

Swings - all 2hd
* warm up, 16kg, 10 sw x 5 (15/15)
* 24kg, 10 sw x 20 (15/15)

250 total swings

YDL HarcCore Yoga Mini Boot Camp

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

TGU, Swings & Yoga

Mobility warm up

* 14kg, 5l/5r, no rest until last set

Swings - all 2hd
* warm up, 16kg, 10 sw x 5 (15/15)
* 24kg, 10 sw x 10 (15/15)
* rest 1:00
* 24kg, 10 sw x 10 (15/15)
* rest 1:00
* 20kg, 20 sw x 10 (30/30)

450 total swings, ~ 25 minutes

YDL Baptiste Power Yoga #3, 20 minutes

Monday, January 6, 2014

Swings, Cardio & Yoga

Mobility warm up

Swings - 2hd
* 16kg, 10 sw x 5 (15/15)
* 24kg, 10 sw x 10 (15/15), rest 1:00 then repeat
250 total swings

* interval 1-5 complete, no warm up

YDL Post-Run Yoga Stretch and Flow

Hike & Atletica

Sunday, January 6, 2014

2-hour hike in the snow, easy

* First time, still playing with weights on the exercises

Thursday, January 2, 2014