Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Something Completely Different...

I'm taking a break from the bells for a few weeks, and trying DailyBurn's 21-day Inferno program.

Inferno - Metcon 1
* It's been a long time since I did a workout like this, and it kicked my a good way.

YDL Gentle Hatha Yoga #2, 20 min

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Short KB Circuit & Yoga

Mobility warm up

Roundabout warm up; 12kg
1 rd abt x 5 (1:00/:30)
2 rounds = 80 swings

Deviled Eggs
2 x 10kg
1 sw + 1 cl + 1 sn x 5
:30 rest between rounds

* 9 rounds; felt a tweak in my back at the start of round 10, so quit.

YDL Qi Detox flow, 25 min

Sunday, July 28, 2013


5 rounds
* 12kg; 1 rd abt x 5 (1:00/:30)
* 14kg; 1 rd abt x 5 (1:00/:30)
* 20kg; 5/5 x 2 (:30/:30)
= 500 swings

Rest 1:00, then:

3 rounds

* 12kg; 1 rd abt x 5 (1:00/:30)
* 14kg; 1 rd abt x 5 (1:00/:30)
* 16kg; 1 rd abt x 5 (1:00/:30)
= 360 swings

860 total swings, ~ 35 min.
* It's been a while since I swung the 20kg bell for 1hd swings.

YDL The Fearless Heart, 35 min.

Saturday, July 27, 2013


Mobility warm up

Roundabout warm up; 12kg
2 rounds - 1 rd abt x 5 (1:30)
= 80 swings

Heavy Swings
5 rounds -
* 20kg; 20 2hd sw (:30/:30)
* 24kg; 20 2 hd sw (:30/:30)
= 200 swings

Sinister Swings; 24kg
4 rounds -
1 round =
Each set at the top of :30
* 5 2hd sw
* 10 2hd sw
* 15 2hd sw
* 20 2hd sw
* :30 rest
= 200 swings

Roundabout cool down (because roundabouts are fun!); 14kg
3 rounds - 1 rd abt x 5 (1:00/:30)
= 120 swings

YDL Sun Salutations #1, 20 min

Friday, July 26, 2013

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Fresh Off the Yacht Variation

Mobility warm up

A variation of Fresh Off the Yacht, from Pat Flynn
* Switched hands after each exercise
* all 14kg
1 round =
5/5 swings
5/5 cleans
5/5 snatches
5/5 jerks
10 alternating reverse lunges

10 total rounds
* :30-:45 rest between sets on rounds 1-5; :45-1:00 rest between sets on rounds 6-10.
* Just over 35 minutes

Monday, July 22, 2013

AOS Providence

AOS Providence, with a few subs
* Used 12kg, except where noted

R1 - Swings
R2 - LCC
R3 - Chest press
R4 - Squats - racked & goblet (sub)
R5 - One leg DL
R6 - TGU (sub)
R7 - LCC & Press
R8 - Flip & squat
R9 - Tactical lunges
R10 - Triple crush, 25lb plate
R11- Figure 8 to hold
R12 - Seated press
R13 - One arm row
R14 - Abs, 10kg

No snatch challenge

YDL Lunar Flow, 20 min

Saturday, July 20, 2013


Mobility warm up

warm up, 12kg
40 sw (1:00/1:00) - roundabout
40 sw (1:00/:30) - roundabout
20 2hd sw (:30)

then, 6 rounds of:

14kg; 40 sw (1:00/:30) - roundabout
16kg; 40 sw (1:00/:30) - roundabout
20kg; 20 2hd sw (:30/:30)

= 600 swings

then right into:
20kg; 20 2hd sw x 5 = 100 swings

700 total swings, 29 1/2 min.

YDL Gentle Hatha Yoga for Hips

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Fresh Off the Yacht Variation

Mobility warm up

100 swings, 12kg, 1- and 2-hd mix

A variation of Fresh Off the Yacht, from Pat Flynn
* Switched hands after each exercise
* all 14kg
1 round =
5/5 swings
5/5 cleans
5/5 snatches
5/5 jerks
10 alternating reverse lunges

7 total rounds, planned on 10, but got too hot.
* :30 rest between sets on rounds 1-5, rested 1:30 then did rounds 6 and 7.
* ~ 25 minutes

YDL HardCORE Yoga with Weights Mini Boot Camp
* Plankerific!!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Chest & Back, Swings, Yoga

P90X Chest & Back
* warm up and first half
* all pull ups assisted with wide band
* all push ups on knees
* other exercises done with 2x12kg KBs or 2x20lb DBs

Swings - 2hd, 24kg
10sw x 10 (:15/:15)
rest 1:00
20sw x 5 (:30/:30)
rest 1:30
4 rounds of the couplet:
* 10sw (:15/:15)
* 15sw (:22.5/:22.5)

300 total swings

YDL Sun Salutaions w/ Dave Farmar, 30 min

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Friday, July 12, 2013

CCv1 & Yoga

Cardio Coach v.1 on the bike, 37 min

YDL Yoga for Cyclists #1, 20 min

Thursday, July 11, 2013

AOS Providence

AOS Providence, with a few subs
* Used 12kg, except where noted

R1 - Swings
R2 - LCC
R3 - Chest press
R4 - Squats - racked & goblet (sub)
R5 - One leg DL
R6 - Skipped this round completely
R7 - LCC & Press
R8 - Flip & squat
R9 - Tactical lunges
R10 - Triple crush, 2x12lb dumbbells
R11- Figure 8 to hold
R12 - Seated press, 10kg
R13 - One arm row
R14 - Abs, 10kg

Snatch challenge - 66 snatches

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Mobility warm up

6 Rounds
* 40 sw, 14kg, roundabout (1:00/:30)
* 40 sw, 16kg, roundabout (1:00/:30)
* 20 2hd sw, 20kg (:30/:30)

600 swings, 24 min.

2hd swings, 24kg (because it's been a while since I swung this)
*10sw x 5 (:15/:15)
rest :30 and repeat
100 swings

2 mile walk

Sage Rountree yoga - Sun Salutations, IT Band Express and Reclining Twists

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Double C&J and Walk

Short mobility warm up

100 swings, 12kg, 1- and 2-hd mix

Double C&J
8 x 5
1:00 rest between sets
* The hot, humid weather is putting a damper on my kettlebell training. Not in the mood to swing or snatch.

3 mile walk

Friday, July 5, 2013

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Pull Ups, Push Ups & Squats

P90X Chest & Back
* warm up and first half
* all pull ups assisted with wide band
* all push ups on knees
* other exercises done with 20# DBs
* I plan to include some kind "pull up centric" training once a week or so

* 2x12kg kettlebell racked squats
* 8 x 8
* :45-1:00 rest between sets

10 minutes of Ab Ripper X

Monday, July 1, 2013

Swings and Snatches

Mobility warm up

5 Rounds
* 5 band pull ups (wide band)
* 20 swings, 14kg

Tracy's Swing/Snatch "100"...backward
* 12kg for all
  • 100 swings (30 sec rest)
  • 10sn/10sn x 5 (1:00 rest)
  • 100 swings (30 sec rest)
  • 10sn/10sn x 4 (1:00 rest)
  • 100 swings (30 sec rest)
  • 10sn/10sn x 3 (45 sec rest)
  • 100 swings (30 sec rest)
  • 10sn/10sn x 2 (30 sec rest)
  • 100 swings (30 sec rest)
  • 5sn/5sn x 2
500 swings, 300 snatches in ~35 min.

YDL Evening Wind Down, 20 min.