Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Upper Body Circuit & Core Yoga

Steve Cotter KB Upper Body (modified)
* Warm up, as-is

UB Circuit - 3 Rounds, < 1:00 rest between rounds, no rest between exercises
* 10x Dbl floor press, 2x10kg
* 5x ea One arm row, 16kg
* 5x ea Alt military press, 2x10kg
* 5x ea Bottoms up clean, 8kg
* 5x ea Seated one arm press, 10kg
* 5x Dbl clean, 2x10kg
* 5x Dlb swings, 2x10kg
* Push ups - 5x chataranga down/up on knees, 5x standard on knees

YDL HardCore Yoga Mini Bootcamp with Weights, 20 min.
* 10lb dbs for weighted work.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

TGU, Swings & Cardio

Mobility warm up

* 14kg - 3l, rest, 3r
* 16kg - 2l/2r, alternating

Swings - all 2 hd
* 16kg warm up - 10 sw x 5

Sinister Swings - from Tracy
* 24kg - 4 rounds = 200 swings
* rest ~2:00
* 24kg (5 sw, 10 sw), 20kg (15 sw, 20 sw) - 2 rounds = 100 swings

Partial IMAX2
* Warm up
* Int 1-2 step & blast
* Int 3 step only
* Int 4 step & blast
* Int 5-10 step only, no rests

YDL Gentle Hip Opener #1

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Swings, TGU & Core

Mobility warm up

Swing - all 2hd
* 16kg (warm up); 10 sw x 5 (15/15)
10 Rounds
* 24kg; 10 sw (15/15)
* 20kg; 20 sw (30/30)
* 24kg; 10 sw x 5 (15/15)

400 total swings, just over 20 min.

TGU - 14kg; 5l/5r, alternating, brief rests as needed

YDL Core Yoga #3, 20 min

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

IMAX2 & Core


Keith Weber KB - Core section only

Yoga, 15 minutes

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Short Walk & Core

Walk in the snow, 1/2 mile

YDL Core Connection, 30 minutes

TGU, Sequential Dismay & Hips

Saturday, December 14 workout

Mobility warm up

* 12kg - 1l/1r
* 16kg - 3l/3r

Sequential Dismay - from Pat Flynn
1 Round =
  • 8 Double Kettlebell Cleans
  • 5 Front Squats
  • 5 Double Kettlebell Cleans
  • 3 Front Squats
  • 3 Double Kettlebell Cleans
  • 2 Front Squats
  • 2 Double Kettlebell Cleans
  • 1 Front Squat
  • 1 Double Kettlebell Clean (my addition)
* Completed 3 rounds
* 2x10kg
* 1:00 rest between rounds

Jill Miller's Hip Helpers, 60 min.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Swings & Snatches

Mobility warm up

Swings & Snatches
7 Rounds - all 14kg
* 100 swings @ the top of 3:00 (Mix of 20 2hd and 80 1hd swings)
* 10 snatches (5r/5l) @ the top of 1:00

700 total swings, 70 snatches in 28 minutes

Then 3 more rounds of snatches only, for an even 100.

Jill Miller Post-Athletic Stretch for Swimmers

Monday, December 9, 2013

TGU & Core Integration

* 12kg, 3l/3r
* 16kg, 3l/3r

Jill Miller Core Integration, 60 min

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Hip & Core

Jill Miller Hip Helpers, 60 min
Jill Miller Core Integration, first 35 min

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Mobility warm up

* 12kg, 2l/2r
* 16kg, 5l/5r
* minimal rests between sets

Sage Rountree IT Band Express, Reclining Twists

Sunday, December 1, 2013

TGU & Recovery

* 12kg, 5r/5l alternating, minimal rest

Jill Miller Get Coregeous

Jill Miller Post Athletic Stretch for Runners

Thanksgiving 5k

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

TGU, Swings and More

Mobility warm up

* 12kg, 1r/1l
* 16kg, 3r/3l

Sinister Swings - a la Tracy
* 20kg x 8
* 400 swings, 20 minutes

One Arm Rows
* 16kg, 5r/5l x 4

iCycle from iTri #8, 20 minutes

YDL Yoga for Cyclists

Sunday, November 24, 2013

TGU, Squats, GBR & Core

Mobility warm up

TGU - 12kg
* 5l nonstop, brief rest
* 3r nonstop, shook out arm, 2r

* 5 x 1; 2x10kg
* 5 x 10; 2x12kg

Glute Bridge Raises
* 10 x 1; 15lb
* 10 x 5; 30lb

Hanging Knee Raises
* 5 x 5

YDL Hardcore Yoga Boot Camp, first 15 minutes

Run/Walk Intervals

Saturday 11/23/13 workout
* 10:00/1:00 x 4, yard loop
* started walking the last 2:15 of 4th interval
* 3.12 in 40:45...meh

YDL Post Run Yoga Flow

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Keith Weber KB Cardio

Mobility warm up

Keith Weber KB Cardio
* Manmaker - 10kg windmills; 12kg for the rest; subbed racked squats for OHS
* 50 tactical lunges - 12kg
* Swings - 12kg
* Slingshot - 12kg
* TGU - 12kg, just alternating TGU 5r/5l

Sage Rountree Core & More

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Run/Walk Intervals

* 10:00/1:00 x 4 (skipped the last 1:00 walk on distance); Rail Trail
* 3.65 miles

Monday, November 18, 2013

TGU, Swings, Cycle

Mobility warm up

TGU - rest every 1r/1l
* 12kg, 1r/1l
* 16kg, 5r/5l

Swings - all 2 hd
* 20kg, 10 sw x 20 (15/15)
* 200 swings, 10 min.

iCycle #1, 20 min.

Sun Salutations

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Run/Walk Intervals

* 9:00/1:00 x 4
* 3 miles

YDL Post-Run Stretch and Flow

Thursday, November 14, 2013

TGU Love

Mobility warm up

* 12kg, 1r/1l
* 16kg, 3r/3l

TGU Combo
1 set = TGU up + 10 swings + 5 snatches + 3 windmills + TGU down
then repeat on other side
* 12kg, 5r/5l
* rested as needed

Sage Rountree Shoulder Stretches

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Run/Walk Intervals

* 7:00/1:00 x 4
* just under 2.5 miles

Sage Rountree Sun Salutations & Pigeon Sequence

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

TGU & Swings

Mobility warm up

TGU - brief rest every 1r/1l set
* 12kg, 1r/1l
* 16kg, 4r/4l

Swings - all 2hd, all (15/15)
10 Rounds
* 16kg, 10 sw
* 20kg, 10 sw
* 24kg, 10 sw

300 swings, 15 minutes

Sage Rountree Core and More

Sunday, November 10, 2013

TGU, iCycle & Yoga

Mobility warm up

TGU - brief rest every 1r/1l set
* 12kg - 3r/3l
* 14kg - 2r/2l
* 16kg - 3r/3l

iCycle #3, 20 minutes

YDL Core Yoga #3, 20 minutes

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

AOS Providence

Mobility warm up

AOS Providence, with a few subs
* Used 12kg, except where noted
R1 - Swings
R2 - LCC
R3 - Chest press
R4 - Squats - racked & goblet (sub)
R5 - One leg DL
R6 - TGU & Windmills (sub)
R7 - LCC & Press
R8 - Flip & squat
R9 - Tactical lunges
R10 - Triple Crush, 12kg & 10kg
R11- Figure 8 to hold
R12 - Seated press
R13 - One arm row
R14 - Abs

Snatch challenge - 60 total (30/30)

YDL Yoga for Cyclists, 20 min.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Sunday, November 3, 2013

TGU & Swings

Mobility warm up

TGU - brief rest between each 1r/1l set
* 12kg - 1r/1l
* 14kg - 1r/1l
* 16kg - 3r/3l

Swings - 24kg, all 2 hd
* 10 sw x 10 (15/15)
* rest 1:15
* 20 sw x 5 (30/30)
* rest 1:30
* Top of each minute, 25 sw x 4 (38/22)
* rest 1:15
* 10 sw x 10 (15/15)

400 total swings

Sage Rountree IT Band Express, Pigeon Sequence

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Friday, November 1, 2013

Keith Weber KB Cardio

Mobility warm up

Keith Weber KB Cardio
* Upper Body Blast; 10kg
* Swings; 12kg
* Slingshots; 12kg
* TGU - just did alternating TGU's, 5r/5l; 12kg
* Core & Stretch; 10kg

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Monday, October 28, 2013

Run/Walk Intervals

3:00/1:00 x 10
* just under 3 miles
* finaly found a relaxed running pace, slow, but relaxed

Sage Yoga Sun salutations, plus some additional stretches

Sunday, October 27, 2013


Mobility warm up

Swings - all 2hd
warm up: 12kg; 10 sw x 3 (15/15)
16kg; 10 sw x 10 (15/15)
20kg; 10 sw x 10 (15/15)
= 230 swings
rest 1:45

Sinister Swings
20kg; 4 rounds = 200 swings

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Virtual Skogg & Run/Walk Intervals

Virtual Skogg #14 - upper back and arm focus
* Set 1 - bent rows, high pull, press; 12kg
* Set 2 - squat curl, press, OH triceps extension; 10kg
* Set 3 - swing, clean, snatch; 12kg

Run/Walk Intervals
* 2:30/1:00 x 10, 2.5 miles
- should've eaten more, really gassed out at the end of this

Sage Rountree Sun Salutations ans Reclining Twists

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Virtual Skogg #1

Virtual Skogg workout #1
Warm up & windmills: 8kg
Swings: 16kg
Squats, good mornings, lunges:12kg

Sage Rountree Pigeon Sequence

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Run/Walk Intervals & Yoga

Short warm up

Run/Walk Intervals
1:00/:30 x 20, a little over 2 miles

YDL Qi Yoga for Runners

Saturday, October 12, 2013

3 Mile Walk/Jog & Yoga

3 Mile WalkJog
* 1-2: alternate 1/4 mile walk + 1/4 mile jog
* 3: 1/2 mile jog, 1/4 mile walk, 1/4 mile jog

YDL Yoga for Runners, 20 min.

Friday, October 11, 2013

H-Snatch Hold & Step

Mobility warm up

H-Snatch Hold - 14kg
5:00/1:00 x 2
* 10r/10l
* Set 15 sec intervals, 5-10 sec hold at the top, then hold at rack position

* Warm up, Intervals 1-5 and 10

YDL Qi Yoga for Runners

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

LLCJ & Swings

Mobility warm up

50 swings - 12kg

LCCJ - 12kg
10:00 nonstop, switch sides every minute
* 9 reps/min

Swings - Tracy's "One Bell" modified
* 12 kg; all rests are 15 sec

warm up
10 2 hd sw x 4 sets = 2 min (40 reps 15/15)

1st rotation (equal work/rest)
10 tr x 4 sets (40 reps, 15/15)
40 2 hd sw x 1 ( 40 resp, 1 min/15)

2nd rotation 
1/2 sw ladder x 4 sets (40 reps total, 15/15)
40 tr x 1 set

3rd rotation
5/5 1 hd sw x 4 sets (40 reps total, 15/15)
1/2 sw ladder x 4 x 1 set

4th rotation
10 one hd sw x 4 sets (2 sets R, 2 sets L, 40 reps total 15/15)
5/5 1 hd sw x 4 x 1 set (1 min/15 sec)

5th rotation
40 2 hd sw (40 reps total, 1min/15)
10/10 x 2 x 1 set (40 reps 1 min/15 sec)
5/5 x 4 x 1 set (40 reps total, 1 min/15 sec)
1/2 sw ladder x 4 x 1 set (40 reps total 1 min/15 sec)
40 tr (1 min/15 sec)
10 2 hd sw + 10 tr + 1/2 sw ladder + 5/5 + 10r + 10l

620 swings, ~25 minutes

YDL Evening Wind down

Monday, October 7, 2013

KIT & Hard CORE Yoga

DB Kickbox Interval Training (KIT)

YDL HardCORE Yoga Mini Bootcamp

* working out a tight low back issue

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Swings & DB15 MMA

Short mobility warm up

Swings - all (15/15)
* 16kg, 10 sw
* 20kg, 10 sw
* 24kg, 10 sw

5 rounds, wasn't feeling the swing love today


10 minutes of yoga

Monday, September 30, 2013

LCCJ & Swings

Mobility warm up

Swing warm up - 12kg, 50 swings

LCCJ - 12kg
For 10 minutes, at the top of each minute:
C&J 5r/5l - Rest for any remaining time each minute
* This was harder than expected, but fun! Rests were only 5-10 seconds. I'm glad I started with 12kg.

Swings - all (15/15)
5 Rounds
* 2x8kg, 10 sw
* 16kg, 10 sw
* 20kg, 10 sw
Planned to do more, but got pressed for time.

Sun Salutations

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Walk & Stretch

Sprint warm up
* a bunch of fast 40's with the dog

4 mile walk

Jill Miller Stretch for Runners + foam rolling

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Swings & Snatches

Short mobility warm up

Swings & Snatches - all 14kg
9 Rounds*
- 40 sw; 5 rd abt (1:00/:30)
- 20 sn; 10r/10l (1:00/:30)
= 360 swings, 180 snatches, 27 min
* Planned on 10 rounds, but tore a blister

Jill Miller Stretch for Swimmers

Metcon 1

Wednesday, September 26 workout

DB Metcon1

Sage Rountree Standing Stretches

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Mobility warm up

Sinister Swings
warm up set - 16kg = 50 swings

Alternate 4X
* 1 set 20kg (50 sw)
* 1 set 24kg (50 sw)
= 400 total swings

rest 1:00, then 1 set @ 16kg = 50 swings

500 total swings

Jump rope finisher
* 10 rounds (30/15)

YDL Yoga for Cylcists

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Swings & DB15 MMA

Mobility warm up

Sinister Swings
warm up set - 16kg = 50 swings

Alternate 3X
* 1 set 20kg (50 sw)
* 1 set 24kg (50 sw)
= 300 total swings


Sage Rountree Sun Salutations

Sunday, September 8, 2013

AOS Providence

AOS Providence, with a few subs
* Used 12kg for all

R1 - Swings
R2 - LCC
R3 - Chest press
R4 - Squats - racked & goblet (sub)
R5 - One leg DL
R6 - TGU (sub)
R7 - LCC & Press
R8 - Flip & squat
R9 - Tactical lunges
R10 - Skipped the triple crush
R11- Figure 8 to hold
R12 - Seated press
R13 - One arm row
R14 - Abs, 10kg

Snatch challenge - 64 total (32/32)

Jill Miller - Athletic routine for swimmers


Saturday workout

Cathe's IMAX 2
* Forgot how much fun this was!

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Mobility warm up

Swings - Tracy's "The New 50" x 2
* all 14kg

Warm up
10 2 hd sw x 1 (15/15 sec x 2)
20 tr x 1 (20 reps) (30/30 sec)
5/5 x 3 x 1 (30 reps) (45/45 sec)
10/10 x 2 x 1 (40 reps) (1 min/1 min)

 - 110 swings, 5 min

10 2 hd (15/15)
20 tr + 10 2 hd (45/15)
5/5 x 3 + 10 2 hd (1:00/15)
5/5 x 3 + 20 tr (1:15/30)
10/10 x 2 + 10 2 hd (1:15/30)
10/10 x 2 + 20 tr (1:30/45)
10/10 x 2 + 5/5 x 3 (1:45/45)

10/10 x 4 (2:00/45)
10/10 + 5/5 + 10 tr + 10 2hd (1:15/45)

Then do it again backwards with shorter rests

10/10 x 4 (2:00/30)
10/10 x 2 + 5/5 x 3 (1:45/30)
10/10 x 2 + 20 tr (1:30/30)
10/10 x 2 + 10 2hd (1:15/15)
5/5 x 3 + 20 tr (1:15/15)
5/5 x 3 + 10 2hd (1:15/15)
20 tr + 10 2hd (1:00/15)
10 2hd (15/15)
10/10 + 5/5 + 10 tr + 10 2hd (1:15)

990 total swings, 35 minutes

Sage Rountree Sun Salutations

Monday, September 2, 2013

Swings & DB15 MMA

Mobility warm up

Swings - Tracy's "The New 50" Advanced
* Did ALL 2hd swings for the whole workout
* Followed Tracy for most of it, added in extra 10 on a few sets
Warm up - 16kg
10 sw x 1 (15/15 sec x 2)
20 sw (20 reps) (30/30 sec)
30 sw (30 reps) (45/45 sec)
40 (40 reps) (1 min/1 min)

- 110 swings, 5 min

Workout - 20kg
10 sw
20 sw
40 sw
40 sw
50 sw
50 sw
40 sw
- 11 min 250 swings
Surprise Add!
50 sw

410 total swings


Sage Rountree - Sun Salutations and Pigeon Sequence

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Swings & Yoga

Mobility warm up

Swings - Tracy's "The New 50" Advanced
* Followed along with Meg
* 14kg warm up, 16kg for the rest
* Fun workout!

YDL Core Yoga #1, 20 min.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Squats & Double C&P

Mobility warm up

Back Squats (barbell)
warm up: 33lb; 1x10
53lb; 1x10
68lb; 1x5
83lb; 3x5

Double C&P (kettlebell)
2x10kg; 1x5
2x12kg; 4x5

YDL Energizing Heart Flow, 20 min

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Quadomination & DB15 MMA

Short mobility warm up

2x12kg racked squats
8x8; 1:00 rest between sets

* 15:00 kickbox workout
* 4 combinations
* Fun, efficient finisher!

Sage Rountree Sun Salutations

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Hot Chocolate routine (first 45 min) from Pursuit of Happy Hips

Monday, August 19, 2013

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Cardio Sports Drills & Yoga

DB Cardio Sport Drills with Anja
* 4 rounds consisting of 8 sets of alternating exercises.
* Exercises are done with a work/rest of :30/:15, with 1:00 rest between rounds
* Another fun workout!

YDL 20 Minutes of Power

Friday, August 16, 2013

Inferno Challenge

Inferno Challenge

YDL Align aand Flow, 20 min.
* Did not like the instructing on this one.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Swings & Yoga

Mobility warm up

12kg: 1 rdabt x 5 (1:00/1:00) = 40 sw

8 Rounds
* 14kg: 1 rdabt x 5 (1:00/:30) = 40 sw
* 16kg: 1 rdabt x 5 (1:00/:30) = 40 sw
* 20kg: 20 2hd sw

840 total swings, ~ 34 min

YDL Backbend Flow, 20 min.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Eoin Finn - Blissology Conduit 58 min. podcast
* WHEEL!!! I did wheel for the first time in about 6 years...it was only about 4 seconds, but it was wheel!
* Really liked the pace of this practice.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Inferno Intervals

Inferno Day 12
* 16kg bell on swings

Jill Miller 10 min. quick fixes for neck and shoulders

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Inferno Metcon 2 & Yoga

Inferno Day 11
Metcon 2
* The side squat/box press felt awkward, so subbed with alternating squat/thruster, which turned out to be harder.
* 2x12lb DBs for: squat/thruster, row to fly, and Hungarian lunges
* 8lb med ball for Russian twists and basketball drop and shoot

YDL Gentle Hatha #4, 20 min.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Inferno Power

Inferno Day 9
* 12lb DB's for weighted work

Sage Rountree Sun Salutations

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Inferno Challenge & Full Mobility

Inferno Day 7
Inferno Challenge
* 5lb DB for push up cross over (push up on knees, then on toes to plank)
* 12" box for jumps
* 2x15lb DBs for rows
- This workout looked easy on preview, but proved to be killer when doing it.

DB Full Mobility - Day 6 make up
* Interesting mobility work, not sure how I feel about it yet.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Inferno - Intervals & MMA

Inferno Day 5
* Actually Tabatas
* 16kg bell for swings

Had some left in the tank, so added on:

* 15 minute kickbox style workout.
* Fun!

Sage Rountree Reclining Twists, foam roll

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Inferno - Metcon 2

Inferno Day 4
Metcon 2
* 2x12lb DB - double squat press, row to fly, and Hungarian lunges
* 8lb med ball - Russian twists, basketball squat & shoot

DB Strength Recovery Yoga, 20 min. - make up for day 3
* Meh, I'll use my own yoga stuff in the future. This one didn't grab me.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Inferno - Power 1

Inferno Day 2
Power 1
* 12lb DBs on weighted exercises, could have used heavier, but didn't want to push it given the metcon nature of this workout.

Short stretch

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Something Completely Different...

I'm taking a break from the bells for a few weeks, and trying DailyBurn's 21-day Inferno program.

Inferno - Metcon 1
* It's been a long time since I did a workout like this, and it kicked my butt...in a good way.

YDL Gentle Hatha Yoga #2, 20 min

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Short KB Circuit & Yoga

Mobility warm up

Roundabout warm up; 12kg
1 rd abt x 5 (1:00/:30)
2 rounds = 80 swings

Deviled Eggs
2 x 10kg
1 sw + 1 cl + 1 sn x 5
:30 rest between rounds

* 9 rounds; felt a tweak in my back at the start of round 10, so quit.

YDL Qi Detox flow, 25 min

Sunday, July 28, 2013


5 rounds
* 12kg; 1 rd abt x 5 (1:00/:30)
* 14kg; 1 rd abt x 5 (1:00/:30)
* 20kg; 5/5 x 2 (:30/:30)
= 500 swings

Rest 1:00, then:

3 rounds

* 12kg; 1 rd abt x 5 (1:00/:30)
* 14kg; 1 rd abt x 5 (1:00/:30)
* 16kg; 1 rd abt x 5 (1:00/:30)
= 360 swings

860 total swings, ~ 35 min.
* It's been a while since I swung the 20kg bell for 1hd swings.

YDL The Fearless Heart, 35 min.

Saturday, July 27, 2013


Mobility warm up

Roundabout warm up; 12kg
2 rounds - 1 rd abt x 5 (1:30)
= 80 swings

Heavy Swings
5 rounds -
* 20kg; 20 2hd sw (:30/:30)
* 24kg; 20 2 hd sw (:30/:30)
= 200 swings

Sinister Swings; 24kg
4 rounds -
1 round =
Each set at the top of :30
* 5 2hd sw
* 10 2hd sw
* 15 2hd sw
* 20 2hd sw
* :30 rest
= 200 swings

Roundabout cool down (because roundabouts are fun!); 14kg
3 rounds - 1 rd abt x 5 (1:00/:30)
= 120 swings

YDL Sun Salutations #1, 20 min

Friday, July 26, 2013

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Fresh Off the Yacht Variation

Mobility warm up

A variation of Fresh Off the Yacht, from Pat Flynn
* Switched hands after each exercise
* all 14kg
1 round =
5/5 swings
5/5 cleans
5/5 snatches
5/5 jerks
10 alternating reverse lunges

10 total rounds
* :30-:45 rest between sets on rounds 1-5; :45-1:00 rest between sets on rounds 6-10.
* Just over 35 minutes

Monday, July 22, 2013

AOS Providence

AOS Providence, with a few subs
* Used 12kg, except where noted

R1 - Swings
R2 - LCC
R3 - Chest press
R4 - Squats - racked & goblet (sub)
R5 - One leg DL
R6 - TGU (sub)
R7 - LCC & Press
R8 - Flip & squat
R9 - Tactical lunges
R10 - Triple crush, 25lb plate
R11- Figure 8 to hold
R12 - Seated press
R13 - One arm row
R14 - Abs, 10kg

No snatch challenge

YDL Lunar Flow, 20 min

Saturday, July 20, 2013


Mobility warm up

warm up, 12kg
40 sw (1:00/1:00) - roundabout
40 sw (1:00/:30) - roundabout
20 2hd sw (:30)

then, 6 rounds of:

14kg; 40 sw (1:00/:30) - roundabout
16kg; 40 sw (1:00/:30) - roundabout
20kg; 20 2hd sw (:30/:30)

= 600 swings

then right into:
20kg; 20 2hd sw x 5 = 100 swings

700 total swings, 29 1/2 min.

YDL Gentle Hatha Yoga for Hips

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Fresh Off the Yacht Variation

Mobility warm up

100 swings, 12kg, 1- and 2-hd mix

A variation of Fresh Off the Yacht, from Pat Flynn
* Switched hands after each exercise
* all 14kg
1 round =
5/5 swings
5/5 cleans
5/5 snatches
5/5 jerks
10 alternating reverse lunges

7 total rounds, planned on 10, but got too hot.
* :30 rest between sets on rounds 1-5, rested 1:30 then did rounds 6 and 7.
* ~ 25 minutes

YDL HardCORE Yoga with Weights Mini Boot Camp
* Plankerific!!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Chest & Back, Swings, Yoga

P90X Chest & Back
* warm up and first half
* all pull ups assisted with wide band
* all push ups on knees
* other exercises done with 2x12kg KBs or 2x20lb DBs

Swings - 2hd, 24kg
10sw x 10 (:15/:15)
rest 1:00
20sw x 5 (:30/:30)
rest 1:30
4 rounds of the couplet:
* 10sw (:15/:15)
* 15sw (:22.5/:22.5)

300 total swings

YDL Sun Salutaions w/ Dave Farmar, 30 min

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Friday, July 12, 2013

CCv1 & Yoga

Cardio Coach v.1 on the bike, 37 min

YDL Yoga for Cyclists #1, 20 min

Thursday, July 11, 2013

AOS Providence

AOS Providence, with a few subs
* Used 12kg, except where noted

R1 - Swings
R2 - LCC
R3 - Chest press
R4 - Squats - racked & goblet (sub)
R5 - One leg DL
R6 - Skipped this round completely
R7 - LCC & Press
R8 - Flip & squat
R9 - Tactical lunges
R10 - Triple crush, 2x12lb dumbbells
R11- Figure 8 to hold
R12 - Seated press, 10kg
R13 - One arm row
R14 - Abs, 10kg

Snatch challenge - 66 snatches

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Mobility warm up

6 Rounds
* 40 sw, 14kg, roundabout (1:00/:30)
* 40 sw, 16kg, roundabout (1:00/:30)
* 20 2hd sw, 20kg (:30/:30)

600 swings, 24 min.

2hd swings, 24kg (because it's been a while since I swung this)
*10sw x 5 (:15/:15)
rest :30 and repeat
100 swings

2 mile walk

Sage Rountree yoga - Sun Salutations, IT Band Express and Reclining Twists

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Double C&J and Walk

Short mobility warm up

100 swings, 12kg, 1- and 2-hd mix

Double C&J
8 x 5
1:00 rest between sets
* The hot, humid weather is putting a damper on my kettlebell training. Not in the mood to swing or snatch.

3 mile walk

Friday, July 5, 2013

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Pull Ups, Push Ups & Squats

P90X Chest & Back
* warm up and first half
* all pull ups assisted with wide band
* all push ups on knees
* other exercises done with 20# DBs
* I plan to include some kind "pull up centric" training once a week or so

* 2x12kg kettlebell racked squats
* 8 x 8
* :45-1:00 rest between sets

10 minutes of Ab Ripper X

Monday, July 1, 2013

Swings and Snatches

Mobility warm up

5 Rounds
* 5 band pull ups (wide band)
* 20 swings, 14kg

Tracy's Swing/Snatch "100"...backward
* 12kg for all
  • 100 swings (30 sec rest)
  • 10sn/10sn x 5 (1:00 rest)
  • 100 swings (30 sec rest)
  • 10sn/10sn x 4 (1:00 rest)
  • 100 swings (30 sec rest)
  • 10sn/10sn x 3 (45 sec rest)
  • 100 swings (30 sec rest)
  • 10sn/10sn x 2 (30 sec rest)
  • 100 swings (30 sec rest)
  • 5sn/5sn x 2
500 swings, 300 snatches in ~35 min.

YDL Evening Wind Down, 20 min.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

AOS Providence

AOS Providence, with a few subs
* Used 12kg, except where noted

R1 - Swings
R2 - LCC
R3 - Chest press
R4 - Squats - racked & goblet (sub)
R5 - One leg DL
R6 - TGU (sub)
R7 - LCC & Press
R8 - Flip & squat
R9 - Tactical lunges
R10 - Triple crush, 2x12lb dumbells
R11- Figure 8 to hold
R12 - Seated press, 10kg
R13 - One arm row
R14 - Abs, 10kg

Snatch challenge - Did 1:00, shoulders felt too fatigued

Sage Rountree Shoulder Openers, Reclining Twists, foam roll

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Double C&J and Yoga

Mobility warm up

Additonal warm up
5 Rounds
* 5 band pull ups (wide band)
* 20 swings, 14kg

Double C&J
8 x 5, 2x12kg
1:00 rest between sets

YDL HardCORE Yoga w/ Weights Mini Boot Camp, 25 min.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Squats & Yoga

Mobility warm up

Racked Squats
wu: 2x8kg, 10 x 1
Quadomination via Pat Flynn
2x12kg, 8 x 8
:45-1:00 rest between sets

YDL Yoga for Strength, first 30 min of 45 min practice (too many interruptions)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

P90X Back & Swings

P90X Back & Biceps
* warm up
* All back segments; pull ups done with 40lbs assistance
* First two biceps exercises. I haven't worked biceps in any focused way in a few years, and they got VERY tight after just the first few exercises, so I bailed on those.

Swings - Tracy's "25"
* All 1 hd sets @ 14kg, all 2 hd sets @ 20kg

5x5 reps (1.25 min)
20 tr + 5 2 hd sw x 1
5x5 reps
1 sw 1 tr  10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
5x5 reps
5/5 x 2 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
5x5 reps
10/10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1

30 sec rest
* 9 min., 200 swings


4x5 reps (1 min.)
20 tr + 5 2 hd sw x 1
4x5 reps
1 sw 1 tr  10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
4x5 reps
5/5 x 2 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
4x5 reps
10/10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1

45 sec rest
* 8 min, 180 swings

3x5 reps (.75 min)
20 tr + 5 2 hd sw x 1
3x5 reps
1 sw 1 tr  10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
3x5 reps
5/5 x 2 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
3x5 reps
10/10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1

1:00 rest
* 7 min., 160 swings

2x5 reps (.5)
20 tr + 5 2 hd sw x 1
2x5 reps
1 sw 1 tr  10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
2x5 reps
5/5 x 2 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
2x5 reps
10/10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1

1:00 rest
* 6 min., 140 swings

5 reps (.25)
20 tr + 5 2 hd sw x 1
5 reps
1 sw 1 tr  10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
5 reps
5/5 x 2 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
5 reps
10/10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
* 5 min., 120 swings

* extended some rests a little on R5

  ~38 min., 800 total swings
* 500 14kg, 300 20kg

YDL Lunar Flow, 25 min

Friday, June 21, 2013

Double C&J and Swings

Mobility warm up

TGU - 14kg, 3l/3r,, alternating

Double C&J, 2x12kg
7 x 5
45 sec rest between sets

Tracy's "One Bell" workout from 12/17/11

warm up
10 2 hd sw x 4 sets = 2 min (40 reps 15/15)

1st rotation (equal work/rest)
10 tr x 4 sets (40 reps, 15/15)
40 2 hd sw x 1 ( 40 reps, 1 min/30 sec)

2nd rotation 
1/2 sw ladder x 4 sets (40 reps total, 15/15)
40 tr x 1 set (40 reps, 1 min/30 sec)

3rd rotation
5/5 1 hd sw x 4 sets (40 reps total, 15/15)
1/2 sw ladder x 4 x 1 set (40 reps, 1 min/30 sec)

4th rotation
10r, then 10l x 2 (15/15)
5/5 1 hd sw x 4 x 1 set (1 min/30 sec)

5th rotation
40 2 hd sw (40 reps total, 1 min/15 sec)
10/10 x 2 x 1 set (40 reps 1 min/15 sec)
5/5 x 4 x 1 set (40 reps total, 1 min/30 sec)
1/2 sw ladder x 4 x 1 set (40 reps total 1 min/15 sec)
40 tr ( 1 min/15 sec)
40 2 hd sw (1 min.)

600 swings, ~ 24 minutes

Sage Yoga Sun Salutations

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


YDL Flowmotion, first 45 minutes of a 60 minute practice
* Fun practice!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Swings and Snatches

Mobility warm up

Tracy's Swing/Snatch "100" (modified)
* 12kg for all

  • 100 swings (30 sec rest)
  • 5sn/5sn x 1 (30 sec rest)
  • 100 swings (30 sec rest)
  • 5sn/5sn x 2 (30 sec rest)
  • 100 swings (30 sec rest)
  • 5sn/5sn x 3 (30 sec rest)
  • 100 swings (30 sec rest)
  • 5sn/5sn x 4 (30 sec rest)
  • 100 swings (30 sec rest)
  • 5sn/5sn x 5 (30 sec rest)
500 swings, 150 snatches in ~27 min.

YDL Simple & Sweet Flow Yoga, 20 min.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

AOS Providence

AOS Providence, with a few subs
* Used 12kg, except where noted

R1 - Swings
R2 - LCC
R3 - Chest press
R4 - Squats - racked & goblet (sub)
R5 - One leg DL
R6 - Windmills only, 10kg (sub)
R7 - LCC & Press
R8 - Flip & squat
R9 - Tactical lunges
R10 - Triple crush, 25lb plate
R11- Figure 8 to hold
R12 - Seated press, 10kg
R13 - One arm row
R14 - Abs, 10kg

Snatch challenge - 60 snatches

YDL Warming Power Flow, 20 min.

Friday, June 14, 2013


2 mile run, some hills

YDL Yoga for Cyclists, 20 min.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

TGU & Swings

Wednesday, June12 workout

Mobility warm up

TGU: 14kg, 3r/3l, alternating

10 rounds of 100 swings
 Each round =
  • 40 sw (1:00/:30), 14kg
  • 40 sw (1:00/:30), 16kg
  • 20 2hd sw (:30/:30), 20kg
* The 40 sw sets were done as 5 roundabouts, a la Tracy.
 1000 total swings, 40 minutes

Monday, June 10, 2013


Mobility warm up

50 swings, 12kg

Swing Ladder
* 1hd swings = 14kg, nonstop
* 2hd swings = 24kg, (:15/:15) work/rest

10r/10l x 5 (1:00)
10 2hd x 5
9r/9l x 5 (1:00)
10 2hd x 5
8r/8l x 5 (1:00)
10 2hd x 5
7r/7l x 5 (:45)
10 2hd x 5
6r/6l x 5 (:45)
10 2hd x 5
5r/5l x 5 (:45)
10 2hd x 5
4r/4l x 5 (:45)
10 2hd x 4 **
3r/3l x 5 (:30)
10 2hd x 3
2r/2l x 5 (:15)
10 2hd x 2
1r/1l x 5 (:15)
10 2hd

400 24kg swings, 550 14kg swings, ~42 minutes
** Planned to do 5 sets of 10 2hd swings all the way through, but got too fatigued, so laddered down.

1000 total swings, including warm up

Sage yoga, standing stretches and reclining twists

Sunday, June 9, 2013

AOS Providence

AOS Providence, with a few subs
* Used 12kg, except where noted

R1 - Swings
R2 - LCC
R3 - Chest press
R4 - Squats - racked & goblet (sub)
R5 - One leg DL
R6 - TGU (sub)
R7 - LCC & Press
R8 - Flip & squat
R9 - Tactical lunges
R10 - Triple crush, 25lb plate
R11- Figure 8 to hold
R12 - Seated press, 10kg
R13 - One arm row
R14 - Abs, 10kg

Snatch challenge - 65 snatches, 33r/32l

YDL Core Yoga #1, 20 min.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Thursday, June 6, 2013


YDL HardCORE Yoga with Weights Mini Boot Camp, 20 min
* Nonstop fun!

Sequential Dismay & Swing/Jump Rope Couplet

Wednesday, June 5 workout

Mobility warm up

100 swings, 12kg, 1 and 2 hd mix

Sequential Dismay - from Pat Flynn 
1 Round =

  • 8 Double Kettlebell Cleans
  • 5 Front Squats
  • 5 Double Kettlebell Cleans
  • 3 Front Squats
  • 3 Double Kettlebell Cleans
  • 2 Front Squats
  • 2 Double Kettlebell Cleans
  • 1 Front Squat

* 5 rounds, 2x10kg, ~11:00 w/ breaks
* I still hate this complex.

Swing/Jump Rope Complex
15 2hd swings (24kg)/50 jump ropes

* 10 rounds in 11:03

Short stretch

Monday, June 3, 2013

Max VO2 Snatches & Swings

Mobility warm up

TGU: 14kg, 2r/2l

Max VO2 Snatches - 12kg, (:15r/:15 rest/:15l/:15 rest)

6r/6l x 10 sets = 120 snatches, 10 min.
1:00 rest
7r/7l x 10 sets = 140 snatches, 10 min.

Swings - 24kg
10 2hd sw x 20 (:15/:15)

Saturday, June 1, 2013

AOS Providence

AOS Providence, with a few subs
* Used 12kg, except where noted

R1 - Swings
R2 - LCC
R3 - Chest press
R4 - Squats - racked & goblet (sub)
R5 - One leg DL
R6 - TGU (sub)
R7 - LCC & Press
R8 - Flip & squat
R9 - Tactical lunges
R10 - Curl to overhead w/ slow negative, 2x8kg (sub)
R11- Figure 8 to hold
R12 - Seated press, 10kg
R13 - One arm row
R14 - Abs, 10kg

Skipped the snatch challenge, hands were too sticky and sweaty..no good would come of it..

YDL Qi Yoga for Runners, 20 min.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

TGU & Yoga

12kg: 3r/3l, alternating nonstop
14kg: 3r/3l, alternating nonstop
16kg: 2r/2l, alternating with rests

* Too hot for any other KB work...yes, I'm a weenie.

YDL Yoga for Buns, 30 min.
* Fun, challenging practice!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Mobility warm up

TGU: 14kg, 3r/3l

100 swings: 14kg

* all 2hd sw 24kg
* all 1hd sw 12kg

  • 10 2hd sw x 10 (:15/:15)
  • 100 1hd sw, nonstop (1:00 rest)
  • 10 2hd sw x 9 (:15/:15)
  • 100 1hd sw, nonstop (1:00 rest)
  • 10 2hd sw x 8 (:15/:15)
  • 100 1hd sw, nonstop (1:00 rest)
  • 10 2hd sw x 7 (:15/:15)
  • 100 1hd sw, nonstop (1:00 rest)
  • 10 2hd sw x 6 (:15/:15)
  • 100 1hd sw, nonstop
400 24kg swings, 500 12kg swings, 100 14kg warm up swings
= 1000 total swings, ~40 min

YDL Evening Wind Down, 20 min

Sunday, May 26, 2013

AOS Providence

AOS Providence, with a few subs
* Used 12kg, except where noted

R1 - Swings
R2 - LCC

R3 - Chest press
R4 - Squats - racked & goblet (sub)
R5 - One leg DL

R6 - TGU (sub)
R7 - LCC & Press
R8 - Flip & squat
R9 - Tactical lunges
R10 - Triple crush, 25lb plate
R11- Figure 8 to hold
R12 - Seated press, 10kg
R13 - One arm row
R14 - Abs, 10kg

Snatch challenge - 60 snatches w/ 10 sec left

YDL Yoga for Cyclists, 20 min.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Double C&J and Swings

Mobility warm up

100 swings, 12kg

Double C&J
2x8kg, 5 x 1
2x12kg, 6 x 5

Swing Ladder - Variation on Tracy's swing ladder HERE
10 R/ 10 L x 5 = 100 reps (1:00), 14kg
10 2hd sw (:15), 24kg
9 R/ 9 L x 5 = 90 reps (1:00), 14kg
10 2hd sw (:15), 24kg
8 R/ 8 L x 5 = 80 reps (1:00), 14kg
10 2hd sw (:15), 24kg
7 R/ 7 L x 5 = 70 reps (:45), 14kg

10 2hd sw (:15), 24kg
6 R/ 6 L x 5 = 60 reps (:45), 14kg

10 2hd sw (:15), 24kg
5 R/ 5 L x 5 = 50 reps (:45), 16kg
10 2hd sw (:15), 24kg
4 R/ 4 L x 5 = 40 reps (:30), 16kg
10 2hd sw (:15), 24kg
3 R/ 3 L x 5 = 30 reps (:30), 16kg

10 2hd sw (:15), 24kg
2 R/ 2 L x 5 = 20 reps (:15), 16kg

10 2hd sw (:15), 24kg
1 R/ 1 L x 5 = 10 reps (:15), 16kg
10 2hd sw (:15), 24kg

650 total swings

YDL Yoga for Runners #1, 25 min

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Snatches & Swings

Mobility warm up

100 swings, 12kg, mix of 1 and 2hd

Snatches - 12kg
1st 5:00 set, 5r/5l - 93 total
Rest 2:00
2nd 5:00 set, 10l/10r for first 60, then 5l/5r - 96 total

2hd Swings - 24kg
10sw x 10 (:15/:15)
Rest 1:00 and repeat
= 200 total swings

YDL Advanced Forrest Yoga, 25 min

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Double C&J, Swings & Snatches

Mobility warm up

100 swings; 12kg, mix of 1- and 2-hd

Double C&J
2x8kg, 10 x 1
2x12kg, 5 x 10

Swing/Snatch Couplet
10 2hd sw, 20kg (:15/:15)
5r/5l sn, 14kg, (:30/:30)
x 10 rounds

Qi Detox Yoga, 25 min.

Monday, May 13, 2013

H-Snatch & Swings

Mobility warm up

100 swings; 12kg, mix of 1- and 2-hd

* slow negatives
12kg, 10r/10l x 5, :30 rest between rounds
14kg, 10r/10l x 5, :30 rest between rounds

Sinister Ladder Variation
* 2hd sw w/ 20kg and 24kg, 1hd sw w/ 14kg and 16kg, switching hands as needed to make it even

Ladder down - 24kg, 16kg, 20kg, 14kg
Ladder up - 14kg, 20kg, 16kg, 24kg

Ladder down - 24kg, 16kg, 20kg, 14kg
Ladder up - 14kg, 20kg, 16kg, 24kg
= 200 swings

Then straight Sinister w/ 20kg x 4 = 200 swings

15 minutes yoga

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Double C&J Plus Sinister Swings

Mobility warm up

100swings, 12kg, mix of 1- and 2-hd

Double C&J
2x8kg, 5 x 1
2x10kg, 5 x 5
2x12kg, 5 x 5

* Next time I'll try 2x12kg for 5 x 10

Sinister Swings
20kg x 2
16kg x 1
24kg x 2
16kg x 1
24kg - 5, 10; 20kg - 15, 20 x 2
16 x 1

450 swings, ~ 23 min

Yoga - YDL The Place in the Middle, 30 min.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Swing/Snatch Ladder

Mobility warm up

Swing Snatch Ladder
14kg swings rotations, 12kg snatch rotations
* 1:00 rest between rotations

1st Swing Ladder

1 sw, 1 tr, 1 sw, 1 tr
2 sw, 1 tr, 2 sw, 1 tr
3 sw, 1 tr, 3 sw, 1 tr
4 sw, 1 tr, 4 sw, 1 tr
5 sw, 1 tr, 5 sw, 1 tr

Lucky me, this set is 40 reps....1 minute

1st Snatch Ladder

1 sn, 1 tr, 1 sn, 1 tr,
2 sn, 1 tr, 2 sn, 1 tr,
3 sn, 1 tr, 3 sn, 1 tr,
4 sn, 1 tr, 4 sn, 1 tr,
5 sn, 1 tr, 5 sn, 1 tr,

Repeat each ladder adding one additional progressive rep per set. For instance, 2nd rotation,

2nd Swing Ladder

1 sw, 1 tr, 1 sw, 1 tr
2 sw, 1 tr, 2 sw, 1 tr
3 sw, 1 tr, 3 sw, 1 tr
4 sw, 1 tr, 4 sw, 1 tr
5 sw, 1 tr, 5 sw, 1 tr,
6 sw, 1 tr, 6 sw, 1 tr

2nd Snatch Ladder

1 sn, 1 tr, 1 sn, 1 tr,
2 sn, 1 tr, 2 sn, 1 tr,
3 sn, 1 tr, 3 sn, 1 tr,
4 sn, 1 tr, 4 sn, 1 tr,
5 sn, 1 tr, 5 sn, 1 tr,
6 sn, 1 tr, 6 sn 1 tr

Laddering up one rep at a time until reaching,

Swing Ladders 

1 sw, 1 tr, 1 sw, 1 tr,

2 sw, 1 tr, 2 sw, 1 tr,
3 sw, 1 tr, 3 sw, 1 tr,
4 sw, 1 tr, 4 sw, 1 tr,
5 sw, 1 tr, 5 sw, 1 tr,
6 sw, 1 tr, 6 sw, 1 tr,
3rd set, add
7 sw, 1 tr, 7 sw, 1 tr,
4th set, add
8 sw, 1 tr, 8 sw 1 tr,
5th set, add
9 sw, 1 tr, 9 sw, 1 tr,
6th set, add
10 sw, 1 tr, 10 sw, 1 tr

Snatch Ladders

1 sn, 1 tr, 1 sn, 1 tr,
2 sn, 1 tr, 2 sn, 1 tr,
3 sn, 1 tr, 3 sn, 1 tr,
4 sn, 1 tr, 4 sn, 1 tr,
5 sn, 1 tr, 5 sn, 1 tr,
6 sn, 1 tr, 6 sn, 1 tr,
3rd set, add
7 sn, tr, 7 sn, 1 tr
4th set, add
8 sn, 1 tr, 8 sn, 1 tr
5th set, add
9 sn, 1 tr, 9 sn, 1 tr,
6th set, add
10 sn, 1 tr, 10 sn, 1 tr

- Made through the 5th set (9's) and stopped to save my hands...tough, fun workout! Happy to have made it that far.
290 snatches, 430 swings in 35 minutes

Yoga for Winding Down in the Evening, 20 minutes

Monday, May 6, 2013


Mobility warm up

Swing warm up - 12kg, 40 swings

Tracy "Top 40" style sequence - all 1hd swings
* 40 sw 1:00/:30
* 40 sw 1:00/:30
* 20 sw :30/:30
= 100 swings

R1 - 12kg
R2 - 14kg
R3 - 14kg
R4 - 16kg
R5 - 16kg
R6 - 14kg
R7 - 16kg

Then rolled into some 2hd swings
20kg, 20 sw x 5
24kg, 10 sw x 10

900 total swings in 38 minutes

Yoga stretches


From Sunday, May 5

Eoin's Full Routine 2 podcast, 90 minutes

Friday, May 3, 2013


Yoga - Eoin Short, Sweet and Sattvic...yeah, baby. :)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Double Jerks, Squats & Suitcase DLs

Mobility warm up

Double Jerks
2x8kg, 10 x 1
2x10kg, 10 x 1
2x12kg, 5 x 10
* 45-60s rest between sets

Squats (racked)
2x12kg, 10 x 5
* 60-90s rest between sets

Suitcase DL
2x20kg, 10 x 3

Foam roll and stretch

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

TGU, Jerks, Carries & More!

Mobility warm up

TGU - 14kg, 3r/3l

Jerks - 14kg
1:00r/1:00l/1:00rest x 3

Triplet - 3rounds, rest as little as needed
* 10 (5r/5l) stand/kneel/stand, 2x10kg
* 10r/10l one arm rows, 14kg
* 5 push ups

Carries - 20kg
* One hand farmer, 50yds left/50yds right x 2
* Goblet, 100yds x 1
- then the gnats got too bad!

Yoga - 20 min Eoin podcast for Zappos

Monday, April 29, 2013

Squats & Presses

Mobility warm up

Quadomination - from Pat Flynn
8 x 8 racked squats, 2x12kg
* 1:00 rest between sets

Alternating Presses - 2x10kg
4 x 8
4 x 5
*1:00 rest between sets

Sun Salutations

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Monday, April 22, 2013


Mobility warm up

CCv3 on the bike, 40 min
* planned to do KB work, but my back felt vulnerable on the warm up swings

Yoga - Lunar Flow, 25 min.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Deadlifts, H-Snatch & CCv1

Mobility warm up

Deadlifts & Push-ups
135 x3x5
3x5 - push-up on toes for negative, knees on way up

H-Snatch Holds (:20 at top, :10 in rack), 16kg
4:00/1:00 x 2
2:00/:30 x 2
* wanted to do 12:00 accumulated work

CCv1 on bike, 35:00

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Deadlifts & Fresh Off the Yacht

Mobility warm up

Deadlifts & Assisted Pull-ups
135x3x5; 4/2/3 (pull-ups were awful)

AMRAP in 15:00; 14kg
1 Round =
  • 5 One Arm Swings
  • 5 Cleans
  • 5 Snatches
  • 5 Jerks
  • 5 Reverse Lunges (R+L)
Then switch sides.
- Completed 4 rounds each side as written.
- On round 5, switched sides on each set. Finished that with :30 to spare so did 20 h2h swings

Yoga - Sun Salutations, Standing Stretches

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Keith Weber KB Workout

Mobility warm up

Keith Weber Extreme KB Cardio
* Manmaker - 10kg, subbed racked squats for OHS
* Upper Body Blast - 10kg
* Lower Body Blast - 12kg
* Swings - 14kg
* Slingshot (first 3 exercises only) - 14kg
* Core/Cooldown - 10kg

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Endurance Swings

Mobility warm up

Swings - all 14kg
1 set = 20 tr + 10 sw/tr + 1/2 sl + 5/5 x 2 + 10/10 = 100 swings

R1 = 4 sets nonstop, 10:45/1:15 rest = 400 swings
R2 = 3 sets nonstop, 7:45/1:15 rest = 300 swings
R3 = 2 sets nonstop, 5:15/1:00 rest = 200 swings
R4 = 1 set, 2:30 = 100 swings

1000 total swings, ~30 min.

This wasn't too taxing with this weight; HR stayed around 150-160
Tried to keep 40 sw/min pace, but it ended up closer to 37-38/min

Yoga - Hot Power Fusion, 20 min

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Monday, April 8, 2013

H-Snatch Holds & Swings

Mobility warm up

Swings - 16kg
10 2hd
10 r
10 l
all (:15/:15)

H-Snatch Holds - 16kg
Hold 20 sec at top, lower slowly, hold 5 sec in rack
5:00 on/1:00 off x 2

Swings - 24kg
10 2hd x 20 (:15/:15)

Yoga - Lunar Flow

Sunday, April 7, 2013

More Complexes and Some Carries

Mobility warm up

Swings - 16kg
10 2hd x 5 (:15/:15)

The Birthday Worrkout - High Voltage Plus - from Pat Flynn
Do all the following on the right side, then on the left = 1 round

  • 5 one arm swings
  • 5 cleans
  • 5 high pulls
  • 5 snatches
  • 5 long cycle C&J
* Used 14kg; :30 rest between rounds
* Rounds 1-3 done as written; started feeling weak on the C&J very quickly
* Rounds 4-6 switched hands after each exercise
* Felt kinda meh

Carries - minimal rests
  • Farmer, 2x20kg, 50yds x 4
  • Goblet, 20kg, 100yds x 1
  • Farmer (one hand), 20kg, 100yds x 1, switching hands at 50yds
Yoga - Recling Twists

Monday, April 1, 2013

Holy Fiver

Mobility warm up

Swings - 20kg
10 2hd x 5 (:15/:15)

Holy Fiver
AMRAP in 20:00

1 Round =
  • Double Kettlebell Swing x 5
  • Double Kettlebell Snatch x 5
  • Double Kettlebell Clean and Press x 5
  • Double Kettlebell Front Squat x 5
  • Push Up x 5 (did them on knees)

* Shoulders were fried!
* 5 rounds @ 2x10kg
* 4 rounds @ 2x8kg, plus 5 swings, 5 snatches, 5 C&P and 5 front squats

Hanging knee raises - 5x5

Yoga - Gentle Hatha #1, 20 min

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Deviled Eggs & Snatches

Mobility warm up

Swings - 20kg
10 2hd x 5

Deviled Eggs
1 round = 1 double swing + 1 double clean + 1 double snatch x 5
* 10 rounds, 2x10kg
* 30 sec rest between rounds

Snatches - 14kg
5r/5l/15 sec rest (:30/:15)
* 10 rounds

5:00 jump rope

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Short mobility warm up

2 rounds - :30 rest between sets, 1:30 rest between rounds

  • 1 sw rdabt x 5 (40 swings, 1:00)
  • 2 sw rdabt x 5 (50 swings, 1:15)
  • 3 sw rdabt x 5 (60 swings, 1:30)
  • 4 sw rdabt x 5 (70 swings, 1:45)
  • 5 sw rdabt x 5 (80 swings, 2:00)
600 swings, ~ 21 min
1:00 rest, then

  • 24kg x 3
  • 20kg x 1
200 swings, 10 min
800 total swings

Yoga - Sun Salutations

Monday, March 25, 2013

Swings & Fresh Off The Yacht

Mobility warm up

Swings - 2hd
* 20kg, 10 sw x 10 (:15/:15)
* 24kg, 10 sw x 10 (:15/:15)
* 24kg, 25 sw @ the top of the minute x 4
= 300 swings, ~ 14:00

3 Rounds each side, 14kg
1 Round =
  • 5 One Arm Swings
  • 5 Cleans
  • 5 Snatches
  • 5 Jerks
  • 5 Reverse Lunges (R+L)
Then switch sides.

Notes: Sprained my left thumb over the weekend. Planned on doing AMRAP in 20:00, but it started acting up on the snatches and jerks, so quit at 3 rounds in 9:30.

Yoga: Hot Power Fusion, 20 min

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Quadomination and C&P

Mobility warm up

Quadomination - 2x12kg
8 front squats x 8 set
* 1:00 rest between sets
* I like this workout

Double C&P - 2x10kg
5 x 5
* :45 between sets
* Haven't done these for reps in a while, so didn't want to go too hard.
* This felt like good work, but not a struggle

Yoga: Yin Yoga, 20 min.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Sage Rountree - Sun Salutations, Standing Hip Openers, Backbends, Relax

Monday, March 18, 2013

Muscle Toughener

Mobility warm up

Double Swings - 2x10kg
10 x 10 (:15/:15)

AMRAP in 20:00
1 Round =
  • 5 Double Cleans
  • 30 second Rack Hold
  • 5 Double Cleans
  • 30 second Rack Hold

*Rounds 1-5, 2x10kg, first two rounds nonstop, then :30 between rounds
*Rounds 6-8, 2x8kg, :15 between rounds
*Rounds 9-11, 2x10kg, :30 between rounds

* the rack holds were tougher than expected, really felt it in my mid-back

Yoga - 10 minutes Gentle Hatha

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Friday, March 15, 2013

Sequential Dismay, Part Deux & Snatches

Mobility warm up

Swing warm up
10 2hd sw x 5 (:15/:15), 16kg

Sequential Dismay - from Pat Flynn1 Round:

  • 8 Double Kettlebell Cleans
  • 5 Front Squats
  • 5 Double Kettlebell Cleans
  • 3 Front Squats
  • 3 Double Kettlebell Cleans
  • 2 Front Squats
  • 2 Double Kettlebell Cleans
  • 1 Front Squat

5 rounds, 2 x 10kg
Rounds 1-4 took 1:30 to complete, w/ :30 between rounds.
Took :45 rest before round 5, which took 1:45.
Pros: 10kg bells were just right for this...8's too light, 12's too heavy.
Cons: This complex is deceptively sucky! But, I'll do it again. ;)

Double H-Snatch Practice
5 double snatches (:30/:30) x 15

Yoga - Sage Rountree, Sun Salutations & Pigeon Sequence

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Eoin's Yoga for Short Attention Spans, 55 min.


Monday, March 11, 2013

Sequential Dismay

Mobility warm up

Swings - 2hd, 20kg
10 sw x 10 (:15/:15)

Sequential Dismay - from Pat Flynn

1 Round:
  • 8 Double Kettlebell Cleans
  • 5 Front Squats
  • 5 Double Kettlebell Cleans
  • 3 Front Squats
  • 3 Double Kettlebell Cleans
  • 2 Front Squats
  • 2 Double Kettlebell Cleans
  • 1 Front Squat

Rounds 1-2 w/ 2x12kg, 1:00 rest between rounds...this just sucked.
Rounds 3-6 w/ 2x8kg, :30 rest between rounds
This complex was tougher than I expected.

Yoga - Gentle Hatha #1, 20 min.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

KB Complex

Mobility warm up

Swings - 2hd
16kg, 10 sw x 5 (15/15)
20kg, 10 sw x 5 (15/15)

KB Complex - from Pat Flynn
Warm up - 1 round, 2 x 12kg

  • 5 double jerks
  • 5 double cleans
  • 5 double swings

Kettlebell Jerky

  • 10 double jerks
  • 10 double cleans
  • 10 double swings
* 3 rounds @ 2 x 12kg
* 3 rounds @ 2 x 8kg
* took 1:00 rest between rounds

Planks - 3 x (:30/:30)

Yoga - Sun Salutations

Friday, March 8, 2013

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Swings & Fresh Off the Yacht

Mobility warm up

Swings - 2hd, 24kg
  • 10sw x 10 (15/15)
  • 45sec rest
  • 20sw x 5 (30/30)

200 swings

AMRAP in 20:00; 14kg
1 Round =
  • 5 One Arm Swings
  • 5 Cleans
  • 5 Snatches
  • 5 Jerks
  • 5 Reverse Lunges (R+L)
Then switch sides.
- Completed 5 rounds each side as written.
- On round 6, switched sides on each set since I knew I couldn't get both sides in as written. Got as far as 7 lunges...so close!

Yoga: Sun Salutations